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Everything posted by gomacgers

  1. The same here in Renfrewshire - we just got back from Amsterdam but I know that work colleagues of mine are abroad for the full week, so must be the same with many others.
  2. What Sky TV thinks of World Record Holders - Rangers
  3. Can't see it happening but who knows!!! However, 'if' ... and it's a big 'if' the FA/BPL/CL or whoever decided to let us in, we still need the approval of the SFA to transfer, according to the above story. Is it possible that getting SFA permission may not be too much of a hurdle, if it's still run by the **** cabal? They agree for us and the tims to leave for England, providing that (a) we give the SFA a percentage of our TV revenue and (b) we retain (youth or reserve) teams in Scotland?
  4. Yep, we'll see in a few months how booming it really is.
  5. Although I was at the game in Barcelona in 1972, I've never been to any of the anniversary dinners since then. Maybe I should go to this one!
  6. I'd posted the two photos below, on FF way back in 2005 but then accidentally deleted them and forgot all about them until a poster on here reminded me about them. They're taken from the book, 'Rangers Football Legends' compiled by Stuart Marshall (1999). The first photo is taken at Southend Kintyre (near Campbeltown) in June 1912and the second photo is the same team ready for action. Enjoy:
  7. I for one wouldn't want Davies as our manager - I don't rate him as a football manager + his company stinks. Anyone who cavorts naked with the likes of Tommy Sheridan in a swingers club shouldn't be anywhere near our club as a supporter let alone manager
  8. Can't argue with that, although I'd try and get a bit more than the the �£8m (if that offer is correct) from Leicester or whoever. However as you stated, we don't really have the time to spend it, unless Rangers have planned for this scenario and have a replacement(s) in position. The cynic in me thinks that �£8m+ in the bank in exchange for a loan deal or Bosman would suit Mr Whyte very much.
  9. Maybe he's not as good as he (or many of us) thought he was.
  10. Seriously though, I know you think the same as me that Jelavic could very well be off. I said on Sunday - as did many others - that his body language implied he didn't want to be here anymore. He came for Champions League football - he was honest when he joined and stated that he was using us as a stepping stone to the Premiership. We couldn't give him CL football and even if he does go the the English Championship, it's a much better and more competitive league than ours. In saying that - once you leave The Rangers, it's usually downhill all the way
  11. You've not had your medicine today
  12. I think we'll find out in early July if Trav has also got himself an award.
  13. Well done mate - you are one person who certainly deserves that honour :smile:
  14. How does that old song go again? I left my pint in San Francisco
  15. To be held in San Francisco. I love that city :grin:
  16. What a great few days it's been. The devil's disciple, Osama, and the devil's eleven getting their just deserves
  17. That is my line of thinking as well. How come none of these 'bombers' have been traced as yet? Even though in the past, aeroplanes have been blown into smithereens, their bombers have been identified from their 'explosive fingerprints'. Yet no suspects have apparently been identified for targetting TLB etc. However, paraphrasing big DJ. I don't know a lot about bombs, but I know I don't like them - although perhaps I could make a couple of exceptions
  18. You weren't too far away tonight - let's hope you're not too far away tomorrow night with that prediction
  19. Can't argue with that
  20. gomacgers

    Dave King

    Do we know how much King's �£20m would have been worth if the Whyte deal went ahead?
  21. gomacgers

    stuart oliver

    Thanks Bluedell (hard to believe that NBM stuff was over 6 years ago)
  22. I only heard part of it. Nigel Spackman was telling of his memories while a Rangers player. Nothing bad as it was all light-hearted and jokey stuff. Talking about how smartly dressed the Rangers players had to be, and joking about the lack of green (apart from the grass) at Ibrox. Spackman said that if any player had ever worn green (trimmed) boots back then, then Durranty would have thrown them out the window - the boots I think he meant
  23. gomacgers

    stuart oliver

    Aye, it's a wee bit different from the auld days but I'm a quick learner Geez a lift mister
  24. Hymn book and Bibles at the ready for for next Sunday
  25. gomacgers

    stuart oliver

    Thank you
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