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  1. He blamed the board don't worry we've been through all this on RM. However I don't think any shareholders who were asked would go for it. Let's face it if they never consulted king and co they'd have let us know. :wink:
  2. Because I'd imagine both Easdales block and ashley and king/T3B will have rejected sarvers proposal. Therefor both factions.
  3. Think there's going to be a public sale for this game. Maybe just 1k but defo don't think we will sell out. I'm in the north I think no doubt end up getting jailed
  4. Just read KJ Twitter feed there. "Board telling people we need money yesterday(as in we need money desperately not that they told folk yesterday)" "Parkco are becoming increasingly miffed with them" So if the above is true Id imagine T3B/King don't have enough support to oust them. The T3B offer isn't close to being agreed now. Ashley will no doubt loan us money the day before payday and it will be secured against MP. Both the factions vying for control need a long hard look at themselves, I can't believe they've rejected sarver in favour of finding who throws the best crisis loan at us. Fucking sickening
  5. If sarver has been blocked from serious investment due.to one of the groups wanting to loan us.money. We need serious investment not loans
  6. Shut up ffs. I've put I believe he is involved in one of the faceless entities that invested in the club. It's merely an opinion. The polis or the SFA will not be running round to Ibrox in the morning on the basis of me starting a thread on gersnet about spivs, cheats and robbing bastards. In saying that if Stockbridge and co read this maybe they'll try and ban me from Ibrox
  7. Folk are discussing it. I believe he and or ticketus are there somewhere. But maybe that's just me. It's not rumourmongering or claimed to be fact
  8. Folk are giving an opinion, thought that was allowed? No?
  9. He probably invested through them "Hi it's mr Craig Dwight and I've invested in rangers"
  10. I'm just back from mass, we all laughed about this
  11. Well him and Grier and ahmad seem pally
  12. I'm not saying they put it up for him but see folk like imrans mum who "recieve" a deposit from "well who knows where it came from" to quote someone's "paki friend" It can be done.
  13. Howdy gunslinger mate
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