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der Berliner

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Everything posted by der Berliner

  1. Re the tax issue, if Whyte was ready to buy, I would assume the tax issue has been covered and in any case, wouldn't this be more something the owner/culprit rather than the board has to address? (Wouldn't we be surprised if the deal just happens and Whyte and Co- look at the newspapers today and ask themselves: "What is this rubbish all about?")
  2. Dunno whether there's an actual split or anything to this "rumour" at all. We're facing a tough week and someone's got to do something about it, it seems. Obviously, in nigh any takeover I witnessed neither involvee has shown his/her cards opoenly until all was done and dusted, so why would it be different here. As some FFer said, probably a maximum of 6 people will know what is going on and these people are hardly likely to give anything away. I just hope that this "wrangle" does not take any concentration away from tonight's and Sunday's game, for whatever happens with the club as such will only affect the management and players from the end of May onwards.
  3. (Just imagine: we sneak a win at Tannadice, tell the press on Wednesday that Whyte's the new owner, Killie snatch a couple of points of them and we sneak another win on Sunday! That's x-mas and birthday come early!)
  4. Maybe we call it milestones rather than deadlines from now on?
  5. Does Celtic buy Scottish these days? Their line-up these days equals that of Arsenal and Chelsea in terms of home country players. Not to mention that their squad is twice if not thrice as large as ours. Well, we have to wait and see. Anyone knows whether he's out of contract in the summer?
  6. Heck, I see a few hundred refresh buttons get murdered tomorrow, while people doublecheck PLUS every other minute.
  7. Well, I actually wonder why we don't use the black third strip more often ...
  8. Has acquired quite a bit of experience abroad (and no, not just on the treatment table), was not that bad when he left and would be a freebie right now. I'd also assume he's made enough money for the time being, so having a look at him won't hurt. I would assume Ally spots a talented striker ...
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