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der Berliner

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Everything posted by der Berliner

  1. Well, we still have to wait and see, of course ... McGregor Whittaker - Bougherra - Weir/CB - Papac Ortiz - Davis - Naismith - Wylde/Kerkar Jelavic - Lafferty ... with a lot to switch and change. Remember that we will not play that style (4-4-2) against each and every opponent. I would rule out midfield enforcers like Ness, McCulloch or Edu and something like 4-5-1 or a more attack-minded 3-5-2 at home against the likes of St.Mirren.
  2. I was under the impression that Wylde's contract ended in June 2011 too. When did he sign an extension?
  3. That was me. BTW, the latest known about his that the Chinese were interested, nothing cast into stone as yet. German sources also claimed that Eskisehirspor where after him.
  4. Looks like we are also in the hunt for Australian international midfielder Mile Jedinak (freebie) according to Sky. Here's hope.
  5. Good to see that we finally get a right-midfielder, so we won't send Davis out there. Maybe he can also cover for Whittaker, so it looks that Foster might have to endure the vile banter of the Aberdeen support for some time to come. Then again, one never knows ...
  6. And for a change, thjis was on FF about two hours before it actually hit the headlines ... kudos to the informers! STV
  7. There's a not so strong rumour on FF about a young Spaniard being shown around Ibrox and Murray Park as we write. Thread has since been chopped, but some more credible posters wrote about it. So one never knows what is actually happening behind the scenes.
  8. Touch of overreaction, IMHO. Basically he's saying that we won't splash 4m on one player like Walter did last season, while we are in dire need of strength in depth. For we have Jelavic now and cannot risk signing another big gun who might be out for half of a season and we need to start playing fringe players. (That said, if we'd done it like any other club in the SPL and rotate the squad regularly, the "fringe" players may actually show their true abilities and bypass one of the old campaigners, people who think theyy have a right to get every start and then do not show up on the park as they should do.) Essentially, we are still very much in transition and have to rebuild our squad for the time being. CL money will come in from last season, hopefully we get another whip at the silver pot this time around too. Then the future will eventually brighten up further. And while many on here may not want to hear it, we need to build a team to challenge for the title again, solid SPL-able folk who may be groomed into something greater later on. Europe is (and always has been) a bonus.
  9. Why do we try to keep players well beyond their thirties? While I can agree on a goalie, Whittaker is a touch strange to me. Of course, it could also mean - at least in McGregor's case - that and potential buyer needs to dig deeper now. (And no, I doubt Whittaker will play as well and long as Weir.)
  10. It is "strength in depth" that we need to look upon. We simply cannot rely on every chap staying fit and unsuspended throughout the season, so we give one-year deals to "proven" folk. Proven in the sense that Ally and Co. know and have seen enough of these people to assume that they can do a job. Healy's problem was the brilliant form of Jelavic and Lafferty while he was here, so he had no real chance to impress. Kerkar never got a chance under Smith, but as it looks, Ally rates him. As it is with pistols and condoms, better have them about and don't need them, than needing them and having no-one about. (Transfer windows et al).
  11. One a sidenote: why not leave the debate to other threads and stay topical here? It is so nerve-wrecking to read through all these posts that have no news whatsoever in the end ... ;-)
  12. ... and Miller had only 6 months of his contract to run.
  13. BTW, according to The Sun*, United have accepted Cardiff's bid of 2m plus some add-ons. *A touch too gleeful, as they also mentioned that we "missed out" on Conway, Danns, and Hemed too. This will not go away unless we actually sign someone. Oh, and Little has signed on for another season - see our official website.
  14. (Till Ally & Co. give him a direction and settle his head ;-) )
  15. (In more hushed tones: and Murphy aside, we add the freebie Riordan to our front-line. That should be decent enough for the SPL, at least. Then give Hemmings a start or two, but also get rid of Beattie.)
  16. Have a gut-feeling that we quietly skip the Goodwillie scenario, loaning Fleck to Motherwell and buying their striker Jamie Murphy (contract till 2013 though) for half the Goodwillie fee.
  17. Honestly, he is not that good that we should be held to ransom or have to go to our knees to persuade him to stay. I for one would have been quite happy (for the time being) with Foster and Broadfoot ...
  18. ... mayb you two start counting the days till the end of the transfer window instead?
  19. Essentially, he signed this deal to get his club - the very one who made him into the footballer we want - a better deal. Not least since the Tangerines are in dire straits too (just remind yourself about the amount of decent players which they have freed, i.e. not being able to hand new contracts). I would assume he's in the know about Rangers' interest, wants to come and also wants to fend off interest from no-hopers in England, who might be able to match United's valuation. It could well be that the latter is the reason why he gets annoyed and hands in the request ... yet, AFAIK, he did not, but told United "respectfully" that he wants to join us. Hopefully this will end the meddling sooner rather than later.
  20. On a sidenote ... Walter Smith took over on April 16th 1991, after Souness desided to go to Liverpool. Walter made his first plunge into the transfer market (no window back then, remember) on June 27th 1991, signing Andy Goram. Maybe we give Ally another day or two, shall we?
  21. Anyone in the know how long it took a certain Walter Smith to attract his first big name signing?
  22. Matter of fact, it is well known that we only asked them what the price is. It is also known that Ally and Smith got back to business only on Monday, so no wonder we have not moved ahead on that front. As for charges, I do assume the press would have told us about it, but you do not find one single bit on info about this. Actually, I think I read earlier this week that he will be heard "later this week" in connection with the supposed assault charge, not the supposed rape thing. I do assume that anyone intending to buying him will be in know about his postion though.
  23. BTW, we do have Adel Gafaiti playing for our u17-21s too, a young promising man. We have to wait and see how Kerkar will shape up, but we wouldn't have signed him in the first place if he was as much rubbish as some fans think he is. In Ally I trust.
  24. Some Real Radio chap mentions that we are actually getting forward, though there are no names as yet from him ... Mark Bensteadt (The one who brought the EHD story first.)
  25. I do assume that Healy will follow suit, as will probably Foster. Building the squad up. Always had the feeling that Kerkar was actually Ally's first real signing.
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