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der Berliner

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Everything posted by der Berliner

  1. For once in recent years, this window looks to be a good one 😉
  2. All in all, a good run out, though we should have snatched a few more goals. Sakala, Cantwell, Roofe, and Lammers all make for a "press" line-up, Dessers and Sima probably more for the target-man roles. Some neat understanding and quick passing leaves you in good spirits, not to mention Hagi, Roofe, and Lawrence being in amongst them again. You do wonder who will be first pick at left-back ...
  3. Watching the highlights now, Hagi could have had a couple, Dowell and Matondo another one each.
  4. He will be happy that HSV like Newcastle provide tough opposition, so he can evaluate his players' current level of performance. Sima somehow doesn't look like a winger to me. Early days still, but the way he moves about looks more like a target man up top.
  5. SAKAAAAAAALLAAAAAAA!!!!!! Anyone who wants to sell him, needs to have a hard look at himself! 😜
  6. Joined in at around 25 mins and it's garbage so far, bar that one foray of Sakala. Obviously, it is up to these chaps to show on the field what they can do right now, so the manager can make a decision.
  7. Yep, IMHO, he's the most lethal of our strikers (bar those new arrivals, which I have not seen much of yet). With him and Lawrence, my glass is always half full in terms of fitness. At the end of the day, every goal/assist will count, though.
  8. Looks like Feyenoord is having a little trouble finding their replacement for Danilo, so we might have to wait a little longer for him. Good thing is: apart from any new arrival, we will have Hagi fit and running again, Roofe and Lawrence hopefully too. That's essentially 3 more quality players than we had for large spells of last season.
  9. Given that Cifuentes is seemingly arriving soon, and Raskin IMHO a certain starter, we might see back-up roles for both Jack and Lundstram soon. While this was the first real test and everyone looked a wee bit rusty (bar Cantwell, Wright, and Sakala), we were hard pressed in the first half despite having so many defensive players out there, big gaps appeared on either wing and I was wondering where Tavernier and Borna were at the time, or the DMs supposedly covering the fullbacks. Thing is, the back-line and DMs were our most settled players. As I wrote above, we need to check out who of our attack-minded players click best and chose them according to the opposition. Good to have so much quality to chose from.
  10. Dunno whether Lövenkrands only remember his good days, but he had a knack of blasting chances that he now bemoans with Sakala and Matondo. Second half better, against a different bunch of players. Our press was more visible, Ridvan and Raskin should be first pick, not least against teams that play more open. I do wonder how we will utilize our attackers, Sima looked good at holding the ball up, but will probably be more useful in games in which we will have more possession. Lammers looked good, Dessers still to come in, likewise Roofe. Just knit those together in blocks that can play together. I know a better way to us Sakala's and Wright's pace and enthusiasm than to shift them out right now, both look as fit and clever as ever, and the season will be long again. Balogun looked rock solid (maybe the # 5 CH slot is not his yet), Souttar had a good game. Lowry ... that ability to stop the ball, look up and place a vicious shot on target needs to be utilized more often. All in all, a decent workout.
  11. We put up essentially 6 defensive players out there, so no wonder that these "few" attackers who never played before don't click or got to something. The press is almost not happening, only late on we got going somewhat. Lammers look good, Sima the focus point up top, Cantwell already in the mood, which is good.
  12. No teamwork in front of our defence. Wonder whether these guys played in that formation before in pre-season (haven't checked the Halle bounce game). Might be good if people actually stick to their position and not run all over the pitch.
  13. Never knew that the Magpies finished 4th in the EPL last season. They look every inch a better EPL team ...
  14. Someone please teach McGregor not to play the short ball out of defense! Oh wait ...
  15. What's the latest on Sterling? Oh look, a perfect 4-3-3 ... or ... 4-2-3-1, no matter whether Rousseau bribed the Gernset podcast line-up 😝
  16. It was a secret ploy to get over the time with no transfer news. So secret that even Rousseau didn't know about it ...
  17. Totally fine snaps. If I make snaps from games like that, I can convince you that we actually play 2-1-5-2 for large parts of every game. That's not how we actually line up though.
  18. Maybe I check out some previous coverages of our games from German TV channels, who had equally fanciful line-ups. But as it happens, I have a bit of work on my hands and look forward to our NEW line up this evening.
  19. Well, these line-ups look rather fanciful and not how I (and quite a few others) saw them play in these games. Well, perhaps they did, for the odd minute.
  20. These pics look rather interesting, having Hagi up there as a left sided striker ... or in the middle behind Sakala and Matondo. Who created that?
  21. Pendikspor? Never heard of them ... probably because they have only been promoted this year. There sure is better in store for Wright, as well as safer and higher wages.
  22. To cite myself: Well, as I said, I checked the stats, and these players have played in as many games and got the same minutes ... Maybe you can tell who is second fiddle from those stats, I'd be hesitant. Question remains, why he would turn tail on Dutch / CL football or Feyenoord let him go when he gets so much game time and scores goals there. But we shall see.
  23. Well, as I said, I checked the stats, and these players have played in as many games and got the same minutes. Danilo (48 games) played different roles as opposed the Gimenez (45 games) though. They only have loanee Banni back as third choice striker. Is he going to jump ahead of the queue when he arrives here? Of course, perhaps we see 4-4-2 again 😱
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