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Everything posted by Gribz

  1. Yeah but lescott should have been done for match fixing with that header
  2. You watch Buffel tonight and after that you'll be hoping he's at the table
  3. An Everton v Spurs final would be a cracking game and nice to see. I still think it will happen.
  4. Gribz

    Fringe players

    Give them a few early touches of the ball to get the nerves out the way - they will be nerves as they will be so keen to impress. Once thats out the way then hopefully they show their potential. Have to say, I wish i could see this game tonight as i would be looking forward to seeing all these players.
  5. If Carroll leaves then Im up for getting a replacement but not someone who isnt better than our current back up. Smith is ample at the moment. It would have to be a name who is going to come in and keep McGregor on his toes.
  6. Was thinking it may be quite soon and was away to post I'll go to it one year. But I just noticed its April and I could be in UK around then. If I am and there is a ticket available then I'll go. Will check a bit nearer the time. :cheers:
  7. Yeah Souness probably does make a "B" list with McLeish. Burley MIGHT get into this catergory aswell. But Billy Davies and McGhee were certainly "C" listers, with Calderwood, Jefferies and Burns being lower again. It would be interesting to see which level Dalglish and J Jordon would come in - possibly "B" list? I think Moyes has to be in the top list. He would certainly have been one of the top choices if available.
  8. The list of players Newcastle have been linked with this week is getting huge: Micah Richards Alan Hutton Sol Campbell SWP David Beckham Berbatov Robbie keane Wes Brown Peter Crouch Jon Arne Riise ...and on and on
  9. Doesnt mean to say it will happen again. England are taking the chance with Capello who is one of the best. I just feel we should have sets our sights a bit higher than Burley, Davies, McGhee, Burns and Souness.
  10. Good post Calscot and agreed Burley is probably the preferred choice from our "B" list of Scottish managers. Id have liked to consider a englishman or foreigner for the job ahead of out "B" list. List A included: Sir Alex (wouldnt take it) Moyes (wouldnt take it) W Smith (wouldnt take it) Strachan (possibly would have) George Graham (Why he wasnt ever even mentioned is baffling to me). But it looks set in stone so we'll have to get with it. As I said before hopefully he brings in a promising No.2 with him.
  11. I hope it gets lost in the post But he has contributed with some goals. Something a bit wrong with that. In theory you could play 10 games before september then move to another club and win the title and could end up with a winners and runners up medal (if there is such thing as a runners up medal).
  12. So will Cousin get a medal this season if we go on and win the league?
  13. Larsen is the most appealing one but I dont think strikers should be our top target. As i said we have a list of strikers (below) who can play upfront, while we are crying out for a midfielder (if Ferguson or Hemdani got injured we'd ne knackered) and we need more depth at the back. Id say a keeper wouldnt be a bad signing also, Carroll still wants to move to Derby. Darcheville Novo McCulloch Boyd Naismith Gow Buffel Lennon
  14. Pete, your getting funny in your old age!! Have to say was pretty happy with it and thought it was a good idea. As said before he wasnt really given time. Seeeeeeboooooooooo
  15. Where I would have preferred Cousin to stay from a playing point of view Im happy we have got 3 million for a 30 yr old who thinks his future is elsewhere. Good bit of business. But we cant compete when it comes to buying a replacement now unless we find someone on the continent for cheap. I havent heard of Kyle Lafferty?? Is he a young talent? The things look now we maybe should have brought David Healy in last summer.
  16. Pete is this thread this weeks Taxi collum??
  17. Agreed he has to produce the goods but wouldnt say last chance as IMO he didnt get much of a first chance Obviously style of play cant be compared to Burke or Naismith but what they deliver to the team can be. Plus wasnt Naismith a out and out striker for Killie? I think the midfield problem (or lack of it) would dry up if someone we had start scoring a few goals on a consistancy basis. Ferguson used to do this but hasnt for a few seasons now.
  18. Not strange for me mate, I also support West Ham aswell as the Gers, and have done for 19 years. This is coz the Gers were my first team when I started watching football at a young age but when I was 9 I moved to London for a few years. I didnt get Scottish football down south then at all. My old man knew London well and took me to West Ham and we didnt look back since - going to see them home and away almost every week for the few years we stayed down there. When i moved back north i was able to get back to Ibrox again as my best mate was a fellow Bear and we were old enough to travel down from Aberdeen for it. West Ham are on TV for me as much as Gers so still support them. But I can see your point if you've only had one team to follow but then are plenty like me who have grown up watching 2 teams. Its those who have lived in 1 city all their life and have a fantasy about support a club which does my head in. Everyone is entitled to like who they want but you get the odd pap from Aberdeen who says they have support Man Utd all their life but barely go to any aberdeen games never mind Old trafford.
  19. Where did you read this Pete? I know many on here are going to be depressed about this but i think its a very sensible move considering we dont have to pay a transfer fee and Im actually hoping he gets a chance to play this time. His aggresive and attacking approach is going to be what we need. Some fans slated him for being a headless chicken but I havent seen much more from Naismith and Burke recently - granted they are lively same as Sebo but havent put the ball in the net much! Time for 4-4-2 with 2 from Sebo, Darcheville and Boyd to play!!
  20. Why we linked with more strikers. We still have....: Darcheville (when fit) Novo McCulloch Naismith Boyd Gow? Buffel? With Larsen likely to come in aswell! ....who can all play upfront - we should be looking at creative midfielders. Those above in the list will get us goals, we just need midfielders / defenders IMO. We need to move on others first before we buy more strikers. Either Boyd, Buffel and Gow are involved or they are not.
  21. Not really off topic mate - its a Cousin thread But agreed, i was thinking the exact same thing - 3 million for a 30 year old who we only paid 1.1 million for in the summer!! Theat has to be the best way of looking at it (and the fact he will be relegated in the summer - Fulham are almost a banker to go down now).
  22. Agreed Cammy, and I think you posted something similar last year. Have to say my opinions on Man U have changed over the years. 10 years I couldnt stand Man U. But have grown to respect them and are far from my worst english team now. Times change but Liverpool seem to be the club i cant be done with at the moment. They seem to live in a fantasy they they are the team who have a devine right to win things, they are living in past glories. They also take a bit of pity on themselves due to past disasters and use this for self promotion. Dont get me wrong we all think these disasters are a tradegy but one has to wonder why they happen to Liverpool all the time. However at the moment i feel for rafa due to his treatment by the american owners.
  23. bye bye Cousin. All I can say is he is mad to give up playing at Ibrox and with a superb chance of medals this season to go and play at the 2nd worse stadium in the Premier League and be relegated.
  24. Gribz


    Exactly. Lets start fishing in the eastern european / african countries for younger players at a snip and getting a scout out and about in Holland, Denmark etc.
  25. We just cant compete with the english prices. For us to buy a 3.5 million player is huge for us these days and he is not even a first choice pick at his club. This time last year Gabby Agbonlahar would have been about the same price before playing a lot but now he would go for about 8 million. I wonder if we could get him on loan first.
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