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Everything posted by Gribz

  1. Quite possibly the worst match ever played at Hampden by the sounds of it. 3 shots in the whole match. In the world cup qualifiers, France have it all to do in the 2nd leg after losing 2-0 in Ukraine. Sweden only lost 1-0 in Portugal so have a good chance turning that around. Croatia should beat Iceland in he 2nd leg and Greece are 3-1 up v Romania so should see that through.
  2. Not the Ramsdens I take it?
  3. Shame that. One of the ref;s I remember from my younger days
  4. But Miller has taken over from Robbie Fowler in the sense we are signing him during every window. IMO this January is the last chance both parties have in coming to an agreement. As mentioned, he will do well for the next 18months and Id take him.
  5. Roger that! Back in there.
  6. When he eventually gets a game I'll have a look. He doesn't deserve to sit in Ibrox or train in at Murray Pk again.
  7. And people have to fork out 40p for this rag? This is how laughable mainstream media has gotten. But of course they wouldn't lie would they!!
  8. Please tell me the last time the Taliban attacked or invaded the UK or US and that should answer your question. You only believe they are an enemy because that is who we are 'supposed' to be fighting in Afghan according to the script. Not 1 Afghan has ever posed a threat as little as 'I'll punch you in the face' to anyone in the UK. I think what you are trying to say is 'Are Al-qaeda' not an enemy? Which again the answer is no. Al-Qaeda translates to 'the Database'. They were a CIA funded organisation trained to fight the Russians in their invasion of Afghan in the 80s. They were supported by the UN. However the UN led countries (NATO) needed an excuse to justify tighter rules on its own people and at the same time take global resources...therefore 9/11 happened and they used their ‘tool’ and blamed it on 19 members of Al-Q (8 of which are still alive, must have had good parachutes on 9/11) so the public would get in uproar and it would justify public support of invading. I believed the official version was all true at first also until in 2003 a few inconsistencies led me learning for myself and not simply swallowing the garbage corporate owned mainstream media versions. Jumping to Syria - the Rebels are armed by NATO and are members of Al-Q. Therefore once again this database is being used as an asset by the West. Yet the problem is you wont here this version on Trevor McDonald Tonight or on the BBC 6 O clock news because their versions are scripted for them. You have to step into alternative media which reveals such truth and facts. The BBC cant even report lies properly, recently they shot video of an Indian Protest in Delhi and stated it was conflict in Syria. Calscot, drop the term conspiracy 'theory'....you may find most of these are now what is known as conspiracy 'fact'.
  9. Either women? You mean there is more than 1?
  10. In a league of my own I guess
  11. How come Im not listed in the members list?
  12. Ive not seen a Scottish paper for a while but that picture top left is disturbing! Fortunately the one top right made up for it.
  13. I hope one or two are excluded from that list, namely Naismith and Whittaker. The more transfer windows that pass the older Miller gets and Ive always been a fan of him but he has already lost a yard of pace and having knee operations isn't going to make him any quicker. I wouldn't like him to come back and have a bit of a poor spell.
  14. That was going to be my first line in reply to STB when I get the chance.
  15. Arsenal will be in with a 10 million bid for him.
  16. Exactly, and what does that lead to - Martial law and more control! There is a good chance the crimes on the streets of Woolwich earlier in the year were staged. I have read a bit about it but not enough, hence why I say "might' have been staged.
  17. The theme of the remembrance day should be all about 'Never again' but unfortunately its 'more of the same'. AlexScott early comment was spot on. Yes I feel for all those victims who were wrongly put to war. But my stance on war is that it is nothing more than a money making and controlling machine for ‘the powers that be’ and nothing to do with democracy and freedom. Its quite the opposite and all towards globalisation and control on all levels and always has been. People in western countries might be sitting at home right now and thinking they live in a safe democracy because they get to tick a box on so called election day every 5 years but they aren't. Where does Blair get off at wearing a poppy and Cameron laying a wreath?...these war criminals are still putting young innocent men and women into illegal invasions some of which don't come home again, not to mention the 100s of 1000s of innocent foreigners who get killed. And the way they sell it through the manipulation of the pathetic unquestioning mainstream media by telling them they are defending their country for freedom is sickening. Guard the shores in the event of any attack on our country! - Im all for that. But going into countries based on such ridiculous claims with no proof such as The 45 minute WMD claim is making a mockery of those soldiers who actually think they are about to assist in giving people freedom. But the good thing is a lot of soldiers today are waking up to the lie....including my 1st cousin who served in Afghanistan between 2005-2009, he has come back and said - there is no enemy. I already knew this as the invasion of afghan is all about lithium, opium and transporting energy. And this man sums it up exactly how it is, it is a must watch!
  18. So I take it if they don't accept this on the 22nd then Hearts will possibly start in the 4th tier next season?
  19. Perhaps Numan has been misinterpreted and meant a young team as in the squad hasn't been together long....A new squad may have been the right word.
  20. Sky lowering standards. http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11787/9015492/champions-league-six-scottish-football-fans-to-stand-trial-in-Amsterdam They don't usually like to be referred to as Scots!
  21. Only issue is cup rules state away fans get certain % of ground - normally far larger than league games.
  22. Whats that just after the 3rd goal....a celtic fan running onto the pitch??!!!
  23. Would maybe be a season too early for us but I would take them at Ibrox.
  24. This video gives Lambert zero credibility, especially on 4mins 4secs.
  25. The more I read this it has to come down to attitude with him. Was he looking like he was trying? That's the things with players who have shown ability in the past, you can easily look and see if they are interested and trying or not. Compare that to someone like Rothen who we know would be awful everytime he got the ball, but with Templeton people expect something good in a game because we have seen it before.
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