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  • Location
    Carstairs, United Kingdom


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    Seafood Girlie Nights Out, Edei, shutting one eye when your mwi to write a text, Tiki bars, Playa d'
  1. Hey guys, I'm very well thanks, hope you all are too ,inspite of the continuous turmoil at our club. Nice to be back for a wee visit, check in every so often. Website and forum still looking superb all in thanks to the mainstay Frankie's fantastic efforts, aswell as the other loyal contributors on the admin team. I have a very poor memory, but think the website was founded and launched in late 1998, the month im not sure. Looking forward to breaking Ibrox boycott for the Fernando match, a wonderful cause and be great to see some old favs. I'm sure the bears will be out inforce to show our shameful directors how it can be done. Anyway nice to be back, and when am I getting admin status and a shiny avatar ha! Stu
  2. Many congratulations.. fantastic news Frankie, and a lovely name. :cheers::cheers::cheers:
  3. Give Cuellar a 9, and we're spot on.
  4. Hi Folks, I'm still alive but not online anywhere near as much as I used to be. I'm glad to see the site is still running and do nip in for a peek now and then. I've hopefully got some spare time between now and the start of Oct, so will maybe be able to post a bit more. WATP stu :cheers:
  5. Was he not being serious? 30k is a good turnout.
  6. The prob aint PLG.
  7. Many bigger teams exit these diddy cups
  8. Can't argue with that a bit - spot on. I also agree Filip Sebo should have been on the pitch today at some point. Particularly before Sionko and Martin. Martin is a young lad -I appreciate that - but if anything he has got worse since his initial games. If he has designs on the Man Utd first team he will have to up gear a few levels. I am not just talking about todays game, but his recent performances in general he has looked a bit of a flash in the pan and a fish out of water ( excuse the horrendous cliches) , but he is young so hopefully he can improve.
  9. good stuff. although it remains to be seen whether it will be a good idea or not. lets hope so
  10. lmao is it not screened on Dutch tv? (probably a good thing - right enough)
  11. I am not Barrys hugest fan by any stretch - but I like him as a player If we werent so dire he probably wouldnt have needed to play today and could have been feeded into the team and got back to his best gradually - as he is still striving to reach the level of his team mates fitness. I just find it a little annoying to find things like this pinpointed as the so called turning point in the games. and that the guy was a shite bag,etc etc. In my view once the pass was over hit the chance was never on, and no matter how nice it may have been to jump on Boruc - it would have been silly. Its a tad desperate from some fans that we need to look at these non- instances as our lifeline.
  12. There is something of a split on FF as to whether Barry Ferguson shat it from challenging Boruc to then try and score for the team or whether he had no chance of reaching the ball and it was was a slightly over cooked pass from Dado. If you can recollect the play from your mind, what is your take? my personal view, is Dado - who was Rangers best player - just slightly over played the ball meaning Boruc was always favourite for the ball. and had Ferguson challanged for the ball , it would only have resulted in one thing: a yellow card. But in some quarters he is being made out as a shite bag.. - not that theres even any guarantee he would have scored anyway. what is your view?
  13. Its nice be here Pete only thing is i've been on the sauce again, so excuse the spelling and ramblings! We look now too the Molde game, one Parkhead fixture out the road and hopefully our manager has took a lot from it - I think he will have.
  14. We may well Do Pete. But both sides were doing it. and the tims actually started the Billy Boys song tune, so I'd expect them to be in the dock with us. along with Man Utd, etc etc
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