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Everything posted by Koeman

  1. Forgive me if I don't believe this.
  2. I really do depair about our club sometimes. A complete soap opera.... Why has it taken another bid to force Dave King's hand? We have been below the breadline for years now and kicked from pillar to post so why not help us out then, eh? With King's proposal, it will no doubt include Murray still owning the club or being a part of it with Bain and we just can't go down that route again. We are too far down the line..... Time to find more backers, Mr Whyte. We really, really need you to do so. As for AJ, it was only a week or two ago that he was saying that we the bid was close to completion with a quote of 48 hours. Utter, utter shambles. The board have all shat themeslves because with Whyte taking over, they will all be out on their arse and will no longer get all their jollies under the name of our club.
  3. Fingers crossed that this is finally it. Thanks for the news Frankie
  4. Koeman

    stuart oliver

    Nice one mate, welcome.
  5. Previous posts confirms he knows fuck all. Get him banned. Had enough of time wasters and attention seekers in regards to this deal.
  6. Well, looking at his current activity, I can see he is viewing this thread. I'll let him come on and verify why he thinks this is happening instead of the attention seeking post that he just made before writing him off completely. He has given no indication as to why he knows this, nothing else to go on which is very, very annoying when we are all desperate for this to go through,
  7. You better not be talking shite. Guys, with me not being on here regularly anymore and I don't noticed this guy, can he be believed? Frankie, has this been verified?
  8. Unfortunately, there is no way that Sir Tom Hunter would do business directly with Minty....
  9. If, as believed, it's Lloyds that are holding this up, we as fans should be taking a leaf out of Cyrstal Palace's books and protesting outside Lloyds offices. This worked for them when having issues with a takeover last summer. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/c/crystal_palace/8714650.stm
  10. Koeman

    Welcome Thread

    God i've not been on here for years! Hope everyone is well.
  11. Aint been on here in years! What a difference!
  12. Sorry if this was brought up over the weekend but I need to get this off my chest.... Yesterday this flag that was in the Kop End with a Celtic badge claiming Justice For The 96. Now in no way am I trying to tarnish the the names of the poor souls that perrished to "point score" but this has to be highlighted. Steak Pie FC are well known on here for their antics and their "Please love us attitude" but this one surely is up there.... Celtic FC being involved in Stadium Diasaters...... Now to any neutral with half an ounce of knowledge about Scottish Football would be aware of the worst day in our Club's History, The Disaster of Stairway 13 in 1971 in which 66 of our fans lost their lifes. The opponents that day? That's right, none other than Celtic FC. Now I, like 99% of us on here, wouldn't want anything to do with that mob but why would they want to attach themselves emotionally to the Hillsborough Disaster (only link - there was a friendly played to raise funds after the disaster) when there was a Stadium Disaster in Glasgow (where they are based) in a game that they were playing in? Instead the self-proclaimed Greatest Fans In The World refer to it as the "Orange Crush" and ruined a minutes silence for the Bears that lost their lifes so sadly. Now strangely enough, it's not the only minutes silence that they have ruined for the victims of a Stadium Disaster. Ask Ged Brannan, formally of Motherwell fame. Ged lost his mate Graham Wright on that fateful day at Hillsborough on the 15th of April 1989. 10 years later, Motherwell play Celtic at the piggery and before the match to mark the tenth year anniversary there is to be a minutes silence held at all grounds across Britain. All pass naturally without incident but not at the Celtic game. A few seconds into it, a rabid **** shouts some abuse at Andy Goram about "eating all the pies ya fat Orange Bastard" for all to hear followed by more joining in. There were then shouts about the IRA and freeing Irish Prisioners. This of course was to be the run of the mill for the *******s who now have had to adopt the "minutes applause" It's a shame that about 90% of the Liverpool support will be unaware of this. Instead, they get the impression that the Bheats are their mates from Jockland. If only they knew the fucking half of it........
  13. This article will hopefully put a cat amongst the pigeons. What Ferguson and McGregor did before the Iceland game was stupid and they will have to live with it for the rest of their carrers but there is no doubt that this whole situation has been blown well out of proportion and given the scum in the press plenty of ammunition to further get one over on Rangers. There is no doubt whatsoever that if this was two players from any other club other than ours then it would have just have been a slapped wrist for the pair of them. You only need to look at the way the press treat the likes of Boruc and Lennon and the disrespect that McGeady showed to Strachan which also gave him a 2 week suspension. What is even more dissapointing though is some attitudes of some Bears. For years a clique/minority on certain forums have been able to stand on their soap box and spout their hatred of Ferguson. I do agree he acted like a spoilt brat on Wednesday and do think that his better days are over but if it was the likes of Davis, Mendes or Novo there wouldn't be as many people looking to stick the boot in and jump on this hate campagin that the press have started. There would be some amount of solidarity. We would stick up for one of our own. These same people probably go on and on about media bias as well but on this occasion they are happy stand by and watch the press drag our name through the mud as it's a negative story involving the Monster Munch Crew and how Monsieur Le Guen was right all along..... I agree with the suspension of McGregor and Ferguson for 2 weeks and 2 weeks only. Smith has probably done the right thing in getting them out the way for a while until this dies down. They were stupid and will have plenty time over the next 2 weeks to realise what they have done but some need to realise that Ferguson will play for us again this season, of that I have no doubt. McGregor will probably need to wait until next season barring an injury to Alexander.
  14. Almost identical to what happened with Hutton. He will be down there with his agent saying he doesn't want to leave and then Murray will tell him he has to......
  15. The dreaded 4-5-1 formation. This will also result in the expected downfall of Kenny Miller.
  16. It's been official since David Murray let Advocaat loose with a blank cheque book......
  17. Questions must be asked about this. Complete and utter farce. How can Murray, Bain and Smith justify buying Lafferty for fucking �£3m but only asking for a mere �£800,000 more for Boyd?. It's unreal. I'm livid with Boyd close to being sold. He is the player keeping Lafferty out the team as well! The guy has is crictics but how many strikers out there can compete with his scoring record. He is argubly, infact probably, the best ever finnisher we have had and we sell him half way through the season when he is bang on form which I believe will result in turn the Scum securing 4 in a row is unimaginable. This time last year we sold our best, inform player and the same is happening again. Even with the money for Boyd in the bank we are more than likely not going to spend it and even if we were, no-one out there for that price will score as many goals or as often for us as Kris Boyd. Lafferty is up there in my opinion as one of the worst signings we have made in modern times and now i'm hearing that he has possibly damaged ligaments against Morton today. �£3m is a price that he will alaways have over his head. I still think that his signing was to get one over on Celtic who had outbid/beat us to a few targets previously. Also apparently, we need to pay Burnley an installment for Kyle which is believed to be in the region of �£1m, hence the panic selling trying to raise funds. The sooner Smith goes the better. He has got rid of Boyd, Cousin and Darcheville and left us with Lafferty, Velicka and Miller. When we are struggling to win against the likes of Hamilton, ICT etc who is gonna pop up with a winning goal now?
  18. As I said in the other thread, Frazer's source is the Evening Times... http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/sport/display.var.2001492.0.0.php
  19. Frazer, as Del said, everything you have said in this thread is available to read in today's evening times. Your source is pish!
  20. Was reading the France Billet problem on FF.... Doesn't look good but im hopeful that it will be resolved for everyone involoved. My ticket arrived on Thursday from the Travel Club. Almost identical to the Villarreal ones. Up in the Sky Loyal!
  21. Anyone else coming?
  22. Just a wee thread to wish all going a safe journey out there. :cheers: Leave on Monday night, back on the Friday. Hopefully meet a few of you out there... WATP!
  23. Got mine confirmed by Travel Club on Monday. Looking for one for my mate though. Fingers crossed he gets one out there...
  24. That decision to bring on Daily was a masterstroke. It highlighted it on the BBC coverage last night. Before we got the 3rd, the space the Ukraine were getting behind our midfield and in front of the defence was frightening. Eck spotted that and Daily came on and he really did make a difference. Eck has been spot on in this campaign. I remember Gerogia at home he brought off Kris Boyd with about 10 mins to go when the game was really opening up, it was end to end stuff and brought on Craig Beattie! What happens 8 mins later...............
  25. I'm afraid we are not matey..... If we win against Georgia, that will take us to 27 points. Let's dingy Italy just now and take for example France who are in 3rd at the moment with 22 points. After Wednesday, they will have 2 games in hand. Win them both and they would be ahead of us in the group with 28 points. Back to Italy now who will also have 2 games in hand by Wenesday. They would only need to win one of them and take a draw against us at Hampden. That would see us through with Italy as we would go through because of the head to head with France. We still need 4 points.......
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