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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. Makes no difference to having a share issue.
  2. Did they resign prior to or after March 6?
  3. Well I doubt he was pressured by one of the former heads of Lloyds insurance division.
  4. It would take years to rebuild credibility with the institutions and during that period the only source of investment is the fans. Personally I never wanted us to be listed and would shed no tears if we become delisted, however in saying that given King's pronouncements re listing, NOMAD et al it would be a huge own goal if he fails to deliver either just as it was an own goal for him to decline to open his wallet and participate in the recent loan.
  5. However they are a prime example of how to be on AIM (see post #6). It's a whole different ball game now compared to the period referred to by MM, you may not have noticed but no credible institution will put a penny in now and that is entirely the result of Greenco's gig.
  6. Not really as was ably demonstrated by Green & Co.
  7. keith jackson ‏@tedermeatballs 21m21 minutes ago Wee twitter exclusive before bed. Gary Locke to get the Killie job this week. Wants Kris Boyd in management team. Story in tomorrow's paper.
  8. I doubt he's an employee more likely just a contractor.
  9. You need a new radar.
  10. There will be an even greater sting in the tail regarding this episode.
  11. He is neither mad nor mentally ill it's all part of his carefully coordinated strategy to play the Ernest Saunders defence for when his door finally gets kicked in.
  12. Bell is the most overrated keeper I've seen wearing a Rangers shirt.
  13. Of course you can email RFB members that's always been the case despite Llambias's efforts. However they have removed our RFB email addresses but I'm sure you can manage to contact any of us if so desired. You could go via the Supporters Liason Jim Hannah if need be, I'm sure he'd pass on any query to us. I concede that I have an advantage over other RFB members given that I know a fair chunk of my constituency and vice versa.
  14. Why would they carry on with Llambias's dirty work? Persoanally I'm far more concerned with matters such as why we're still paying someone £15k a week to impersonate Alan Titchmarsh and the funding arrangements going forward etc than the RFB receiving an immediate response to a query.
  15. Yes Halkett would cope, in fact if truth be told he'd probably a better option as a forward than McCulloch. Daly as centre half is there a more immobile player in Scottish football? He may well have played there for Dundee United in the past but his gut wasn't hanging over the top of his shorts then.
  16. Your information is out of date but no doubt you'll be brought up to speed. Given the magnitude of the task facing the new Directors I wouldn't read too much in any delay in regards of them responding to the RFB.
  17. Given that McCall had sen plenty of us in action before taking over then it really isn't asking too much of him to have dropped McCulloch and Boyd. One thing that McCall did do last night that did impress was the tactical change in going three at the back to put on another forward the only problem being that when you go three at the back the central defender need to possess an ability to read the game and some pace unfortunately our central defender was McCulloch and we all saw the result. It's not often I agree with Derek "I'm not really a fan of Rangers" Ferguson but he said on the radio last night that Tom Walsh should have 40 or 50 games under his belt, given what we've had to endure while Walsh has sat in the stands the reluctance to play him (and probably other youngsters too) borders on the criminal.
  18. Definitely audience related, though I concede it would have in all probability would have fallen foul of this sites rules. Generally I'd tend to agree with you on the above but not in regards to Chris Graham (and perhaps some others of a similar ilk). LOL....your post made perfect sense, it looks more like you read it back and realised just exactly what you wrote!
  19. I think your hatred of Chris Graham is deeper rooted than you're willing to acknowledge and borders on the irrational. You also play to a different audience where you posted that.
  20. This looks simply personal does it not?
  21. So a forward line that will install fear into the heart of every Rangers fan!
  22. Twofold, first I find the clamour for a "fan" on the Board rather bewildering as I don't know of any Board member who isn't a fan, do you? Secondly I view the main role of a Non Executive Director as providing a check and balance to the Executive and holding them to account if and when necessary and I didn't believe Chris Graham possessed the required experience (at least yet anyway) to carry out those duties on behalf of the shareholders. I believe someone like George Letham to be far more qualified and experienced in that arena. I'm not too fussed if the NED's are Rangers fans or not nor do I believe the fact they are should be held against them. To be honest the appointment of Chris Graham didn't cause me any sleepless nights nights and given what has transpired frankly my feeling is one of overwhelming sadness for it was our "own" who started the witch hunt. You may have put your pitch fork away for now but it's been well used over the last few years. Considering how long the Board have been in place it's a bit premature to claim they're not living up to their promise of transparency. As much as I desire the status of the RFB to be settled one way or another asap I can perfectly understand that it's not at the top of their list of priorities at the moment.
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