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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. Yes Rangers formed the Disability Matters Group to help address the current shortcomings in regards to the upcoming UEFA guidelines, I'm part of that group and believe it to be a worthwhile exercise that is making progress but still has a long, long way to travel. It's because of my experience on both the RFB and the DMG that I hold the view that it is imperative that the disabled have a voice via a larger Fans Body, on our own we are effectively powerless. I agree wholeheartedly that as you say the omission is not by design but I thought we'd reached a point where inclusion would be the norm obviously we're not quite at that point yet.
  2. So the only two bodies that had disabled representatives get burned and that's being dressed up as progress. Never mind though because if we pay our money every month we may win a ticket for somewhere we haven't got a hope in hell of accessing.
  3. So he could cherry pick the companies in the Murray Group for himself and his family before the white elephant that was the Premier Property Group fell from the sky. Murray willingly and knowingly sacrificed for his own personal gain.
  4. Be lucky to find anyone with a pulse in Ellon.
  5. Was under the impression that it was a 12.45 ko till my wife phoned me at 12.20 hence my haste to get in before it started which I achieved, just!
  6. Thought the manner of our victory was even more impressive than the result. Had Ball down as motm his best performance in a Rangers shirt.
  7. You lucky f*&ker! I went for a steak one (didn't know about the steak and black pudding) but there were none left at the time so had to make do with a Scotch Pie which as well as being rank rotten left me killed with heartburn all night....
  8. Personally it would entail being manhandled on and off a bus multiple times not an enjoyable experience for either myself or those who have to do the lifting. I've wanted to do the trail for a long time and noticed that some of the open topped buses you were using were accessible however I've not been able coordinate a stay in Glasgow with a tour date. Don't take this as a criticism of the good work you as a group do as it's not directed as such.
  9. Sad but not surprising.
  10. Is it wheelchair accessible?
  11. Basically another "if I don't get my way I'm off" then. I find the whole situation rather odd and somewhat unedifying.
  12. I'm not aware that you did post any RFB minutes (if that clears it up any).
  13. Are there really 14k actually paying monthly?
  14. Can't quite believe low vote for Graeme Henderson. Decent CV and statement, put his money where his mouth is and a bought a substantial shareholding which he'll proxy irrespective of his personal outcome. A refreshing change from those basically saying vote for me or I start a new group and those who'd hitch a ride with them to fluff their ego's.
  15. It's really just a 1 year extension as his existing deal ran to 2017. Would've liked a lengthier deal but that's better than nothing.
  16. It'll be available on playback, I'm sure BH could provide a link. In fairness to him it really makes for beyond bizarre listening.
  17. Behind the backs of your fellow board members. You also had the opportunity to raise the matter at any time during the lengthy meeting but chose not to, why? The outcome of that entirely spurious complaint was that it was laughed away but it was a nice indicator to Rangers of your modus operandi. I've already told you numerous times that the complaint in regards to your appearance on Rangers Chat was surreal and Pythonesque. The complaints from board members weren't alleged they were real. You were not dismissed without reason, you were dismissed as the the result of your own actions however that fact seems something you are totally unable to countenance. You must be getting pretty desperate if you're trying to equate my use of the Companies Act with your own lamentable personal behaviour whilst a member of the RFB.
  18. You had ample opportunity to raise the matter with other members prior to the meeting and at the meeting itself but you lacked the moral fortitude and honesty to do so. You know full well I wasn't the source of any complaint against you. However you did complain to Rangers about me prior to the election for the initial board. It's fact not conjecture that you embarked on an email campaign behind your fellow Board members backs. It's fact not conjecture that you sat throughout the meeting and did not raise any objection during the meeting. It's fact not conjecture that you agreed that we should proceed with the method discussed during the meeting. It's fact not conjecture that you fired off an email early in the morning rendering the previous nights meeting an utter waste of time. Don't flatter yourself I myself encouraged at least three members to participate in the election and received a couple of approaches despite my clearly stated intention at the outset that I had no interest in being an Office Bearer as I was there simply to draw attention to the plight of my fellow wheelchair fans not to fluff an ego. Actually you weren't a candidate for the post of Secretary your own actions ensured that. You thought you were Machiavelli but the others unlike yourself could see further than the end of their noses. Good for you and I hope those who take part in the vote note that. However if I had a vote I'd be looking for candidates who are open, transparent, honest, team workers and willing to put the greater good ahead of their own self interest; during your albeit brief spell on the RFB I never saw you demonstrate those traits.
  19. Yes, there have been regular meetings with under the auspices of the Disability Matters Group which consists of Club officials and representatives of disabled fans ( myself included) both physically disabled and mentally disabled. Progress has been made and a statement will be made in due course (hopefully soon) laying out a pathway forward, however it must be stressed there is no magic wand to be waved and it will take some time to get where we need to be.
  20. Aw f*&k it. My own personal experience of sitting on a Fans Board with Alan Harris. As most of you but not all will be aware I was the Disabled Rep on the Rangers Fans Board and Alan was for a brief spell the Away Fans Rep. Prior to the meeting at which we would decide how to elect the Office Bearers the interim Chair (ironically enough the Rev Stuart MacQuarrie) circulated a note on how the election process would unfold. There were no objections or major points raised by any members within the subsequent correspondence. I wasn't too fussed personally as I had no intention of standing for office but was content to take part in the vote. The meeting was held in the Blue Room at Ibrox during which I sat next to Alan for the duration which iirc was quite a long meeting lasting several hours. There was quite a bit of time spent on the process of electing the Office Bearers, how to stand, how to second, how long the election period would last, the parameters involved all the stuff necessary to ensure a free open and fair election process. A consensus on the way forward was agreed with absolutely no objections whatsoever by either any members present in the room or taking part via the WebEx facility (basically a fancier version of Skype for those that couldn't attend in person) the decision was in fact unanimous. The meeting ended with everyone leaving in the belief we would proceed forward to elect the Office Bearers (Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary), little did we know what would ensue. The following day when I opened my emails I was shocked to discover that all the plans for the election of Office Bearers had been scrapped due to a complaint which led to Rangers having to call in their lawyers who advised to err on the side of caution and cancel the plans to elect Office Bearers and go back to square one. Effectively the previous meeting had been rendered utterly pointless due to the actions of one member. Unbeknown to any other RFB member one member had raised an objection privately with the Chair (and iirc had asked for anonymity which was granted) quoting extensively from the RFB Constitution and the Roberts Rules for the Conduct of Meetings. Upon reading the email informing us that the election process we’d unanimously agreed had to be scrapped it became crystal clear that the author of the complaint was indeed Alan Harris. We’d agreed a process where we’d rank our first, second and third preferences for each of the positions available. It became clear that Alan thought he personally would stand a better chance of being elected via a first past the post system and embarked on the process of ensuring that would happen. It’s ironic that the RFB Constitution that Alan used to impose his own wishes over the rest of the RFB was the instrument that provided Rangers with the means to dismiss him from the RFB, an even greater irony became apparent towards the end of the RFB when Derek Llambias tried to dismiss the entire RFB however one RFB member a lawyer pointed out that we couldn’t be sacked in the manner Llambias wanted as the Constitution had never officially been ratified. Alan’s dismissal from the RFB was a direct result of his own actions alas I doubt that’s something he could ever acknowledge. I’m not a member of either RF or the RST but wish both organisations well and hope they can come to an accommodation where they can proceed forward in unity as I believe that to be in the best interests of both the Club and the fans in general. My own personal experience leads me to believe that having Alan on the RF Board would not be conducive to the greater good of either RF, its’ members or the Club, in fact history has already proven his presence has not been a positive addition on any fans board, with Alan it’s always Harris First not Rangers First.
  21. When you've stopped patting yourself on the back perhaps you can tell us how you measure the "success" of that particular achievement: is it the amount of your fellow fans jailed or just those receiving banning orders? You listed a total of nine individuals and organisations who opposed your attempted imposition of strict liability in all probability because they had the wit to recognise what opening that particular Pandora's Box would entail. I'm sure the Rangers fans would be lining up in droves to personally thank you if they had to miss a game because their particular section of the ground was closed because a few Bears had a few shandy's too many and launched into the Billy Boys or through out an FTP or two, wouldn't they. It's not that I'm stuck in anything just that I like almost everyone else with the exception of yourself can see the realpolitik where as you simply continue to display breathtaking levels of naivety. I bow to your superior knowledge of Graham Spiers character but then I've never countenanced the notion of entertaining him (or David Low for that matter) in any matter let alone matters Rangers, was Spiers former flatmate (and Low's mate) and purveyor of anti-Rangers bile Matt McGlone too busy to make up a quartet with you on that occasion?
  22. I always assumed it was one of the goals.... ....obviously someone's rethought the strategy. I suppose it would be simply a matter of resigning from the RF Board and jumping aboard the RFC Board.
  23. There you have it in bold, the inability to see what's under your nose. Seriously who the f*&k do you think would feel the wrath of "strict liability" the most?
  24. I'm sure that if you ask the question again today that will still be the view of every Rangers hater out there whatever colour of scarf they wear, wouldn't it? Who needs enemies when you're prepared to do their dirty work for them?
  25. Don't know about the Spiers one sure he'll confirm or deny but absolutely tried to involve the vile hater David Low in Rangers affairs (perhaps it was RST). Never been one to look at the bigger picture as he can't see past himself (search John Bennet on here). Imagine the carnage that would have ensued (upon us) if he had been successful in this endeavour.
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