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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. [tweet]734505572956000256[/tweet]
  2. Thought one of the most shocking aspects of yesterdays shenanigans was the utterly lamentable behaviour of Police Scotland and the stewards. Don't know how many of you are familiar with the bowels of Hampden but there is a large subterranean car park under the Main Stand accessed via the ramps at each end. Wheelchairs fans located at the front of the South Stand and in the Upper West Stand corner have to use the ramp to gain access to their spaces. It's normal for games at Hampden for the Police Horse-boxes to be parked under the Main Stand (seen that numerous times over the years )and the mounted horses to be there too, we have weave constantly to avoid the horse shit that lays everywhere . Yesterday for some reason or another they were nowhere near there and it wasn't till I was exiting the ramp that the Mounted Police came charging down.
  3. You're welcome. Managed to assist three fellow GersNetters get tickets. Noticed you were willing to travel some distance without a ticket so when we managed to obtain some from a Highland League club I thought I'd offer you one in case you hadn't managed to locate one. Always happy to help fellow Bears out with tickets whenever possible.
  4. He doesn't own Puma at all it's 86% owned by the luxury goods firm Kering who own Gucci,Saint Laurent, Stella MCCartney, Alexander McQueen etc...etc I think he may have (maybe still does) had own 6% which was purchased as a spoiler so that Kering would supply him with some of their luxury brands. SD's brands. http://www.sportsdirectplc.com/our-brands/sports-and-leisure.aspx http://www.sportsdirectplc.com/our-brands/fashion-and-lifestyle.aspx *should have read whole thread*
  5. Is this posted in the wrong thread? http://www.gersnetonline.co.uk/vb/showthread.php?77862-Response-From-BBC-Trust
  6. Their votes count double 49 becomes 98 in all matter financial. That could in itself prove problematic re the Football League rules.
  7. It's clear the defence lied to the Court. https://themanthebheastscanttame.wordpress.com/2016/04/22/the-auld-firm-song-remains-the-same/
  8. Astute move. If Ashley challenges this via the courts then in all probability he will have to take the stand something he is extremely reluctant to do. Also the Football League rules become very pertinent if he challenges via court.
  9. Doubt we'll get or even want both Barton and Dorrans.
  10. From today's Times. As aside: Two young lads from our RSC were lifted after the Cup semi- final. They were lifted in Aberdeen the back of one in the Sunday morning. Initially they were charged with a Breach of the Peace which was later amended to a charge of Religiously Aggravated Breach of the Peace and another charge under the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications Act, however the Fiscal saw through the nonsense and dropped the charges just prior to the Intermediate Diet. Two young lads face weeks of turmoil for having the temerity to get drunk and sing a song 11 hours after and 150 miles away from a football match. As Rangers fans I suppose they can thank their lucky stars they never appeared in front of Sheriff Crozier. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-31856341 http://stv.tv/news/west-central/1354272-man-who-shouted-sectarian-abuse-at-old-firm-match-avoids-jail/
  11. Last shareholders list that I have (16 months old) shows 26 shareholdings >300k and 19 > 600k, however the Beaufort Nominees group (Easdales proxies) are lumped together as one holding so the actual numbers would be greater than those above.
  12. It was yesterday and it's listed as two trades of 310,280 @25.5p. It may well be just one trade that's showing as a duplicate as both have the same time listed. http://lmmx.co.uk/companies/profile/rangers-international-foofball-club-plc/
  13. Correction: It appears he was PM'd and given a number to contact.
  14. Would have thought that was obvious. Someone at the club gave him the information ergo they would know who he was.
  15. [tweet]731620126416633856[/tweet]
  16. Aye Hampden itself has in the West Stand and North Stand, been in the North Stand last two games so can't grumble at someone else getting a chance.
  17. [tweet]731491484726267908[/tweet]
  18. Worms eye view at the front of the South Stand....
  19. [tweet]731477864370049024[/tweet]
  20. Absolutely not in this particular case.
  21. Don't forget it's the Procurator Fiscal who decides to take a case to court or not.
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