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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. I assume you mean independent non-executive directors if so then I concur. I'd certainly like to see a couple of strong independent non-executive directors on the Board and not necessarily Rangers fans either as we need them to have the ability to say no if the rest let their hearts rule their heads. However as King pointed out rightly (whatever your opinion of him) that as desirable as that is it's simply not possible until some legacy issues have been addressed namely in this instance the Directors liability insurance problem which means we don't carry any Directors liability insurance due to Charles Green writing into his own contract that he had to be insured for a period (5 years or so iirc) on the same basis as any current Director. The current Directors are taking quite a personal risk operating without such cover in place more so given the various court cases, unfortunately I don't think it's possible to ask any potential independent non-executive director to do likewise.
  2. You mentioned fiduciary duty didn't you?
  3. Yes it's the price I pay for being a Gooner.....
  4. "We're going to nail them to the floor and keep them there."
  5. It's hard to believe that Toral is an Arsenal player.
  6. Selling naming rights for £1 swapping said £1 for 25% of stadium advertising etc..etc.. are breaches of fiduciary duty, what type of Directors would do such a thing oh that's right your preferred choices that's who .
  7. Strict liability really works, just look at how it's changing the Scum's behaviour.
  8. Probably up to talk to lawyers regarding some of the impending court cases.
  9. Chatham House Rules at an event that is open to the public, wow just wow..........
  10. They would have known that prior to any contact from Club 1872, contrary to the common perception the Board are no mugs (though far from infallible too) and don't inhabit an ivory tower.
  11. A proper DoF would have half a dozen left backs already scouted, waiting till the Head Coach decides he wants a left back kind of defeats the purpose.
  12. So basically you don't know what it is but you don't like it anyway?
  13. Was barely worth the klaxon warning was it?
  14. Bayern Munich Paris Saint-Germain. Barcelona Real Madrid Ajax Chelsea Porto Spurs AC Milan Manchester City Juventus etc....etc....etc... The titles may differ slightly, Director of Football, Technical Director, Sporting Director etc but for all intents and purposes they're the same thing. You omitted to tell us which "managers" we'll miss out on because they refuse to work with a Director of Football Pray tell just who are they?
  15. Blander than bland.
  16. Like who? Practically every team in Europe worth its' salt does so and every top manager/head coach does so too.
  17. Because if we went the DoF route 2 years ago we wouldn't need to hit the restart button every time a manager/head coach (whatever title floats yer boat) changes plus our recruitment would have been a hell of a f*&king lot better.
  18. No way will McLeish be DoF.
  19. Stewart Robertson isn't on a huge salary and he's no Martin Bain.
  20. If Wallace is out perhaps Wilson will come in at left back.
  21. Kevin Muscat in the frame according to The Sun.....
  22. He knows full well what he's doing, there's a constant recurring theme where he'll jump into bed with anyone who shares his views no matter how great an enemy of Rangers they are. It just so happens like English he shares a well documented hatred of Dave King. See Nil By mouth thread, preference of Llambias and Leech etc. for other examples.
  23. IRRC nobody from the BBC is banned from Ibrox even McLaughlin,it's just that Rangers have declined to afford McLaughlin journalistic privileges.
  24. That would be 2012 then which is odd as you resigned in 2010, given that you are such an averous reader of minutes and such like I find it hard that you don't recall Nil by Mouth being discussed especially given Nil by Mouths condemnation of David Edgars public defence of the Famine song and other instances of that ilk.
  25. No it's not an offence just a sign of ignorance.
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