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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. Unf*&kingbelieveable!
  2. https://uk.sports.yahoo.com/news/five-changes-caixinha-made-to-rangers-style-in-the-hammering-of-hamilton-195415552.html
  3. Actually both of them said it wasn't a penalty.
  4. ...and the Dembele dive?
  5. As I told you on FF read the posts of hkgeorge in that thread (he really knows his stuff).
  6. They could have done various things to avoid it, not leaving a conspicuous email trail for a start. King is 100% correct in stating there is no benefit to shareholders or the company itself. The status quo won't prevail.
  7. It could been avoided. you can either accept that or not, doesn't put me up or down any. It happens practically every day, anyway as I said it's an irritant not a catastrophe.
  8. https://www.trustnet.com/Investments/Article.aspx?id=200510281729003508T An elementary mistake, I don't think anyone thought it to be anything other than a concert party that they left that so easy to prove is surprising and disappointing though. In the grand scheme of things this is something we could well be done without but it's more than an irritant than anything else.
  9. Personally I thought there would have been more than 60 CV's submitted, practically every club get dozens every time a vacancy arises that's the way it works in football. Undoubtedly many would have went straight into the bin. After McCall left Motherwell they got over 50 applications. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/29922911
  10. Jorge Mendes is one of the most powerful agents there is. http://gestifute.com/?lang=en#jorgemendes Pedro Mendes actually is an agent too just not Caixinha's https://www.mnmsports.pt/equipa?id=5
  11. Pedro Mendes is his friend. Nuno Batista is his agent https://twitter.com/BatistaNuno
  12. Upload it to here http://tinypic.com/ and copy & paste the link from there.
  13. That action was started by Duff & Phelps.
  14. It would appear the Crown view it as "Financial Assistance" it was also the basis for the initial complaint made to the authorities by Alastair Johnston. I imagine sight of the funds in Collyer Bristow escrow account was enough for the bank to keep it's own arse clean, and Donald Muir simply wouldn't have given a flying f*&k where his £1m bonus came from.
  15. The process was led by the panel and the panel led by the Managing Director just as it should be.
  16. The fact is David Murray sacrificed us because it was both his and the banks financial interest to do so.
  17. Yes they can, it's not that uncommon but it's usually at the members (shareholders) request. Bluedell or Craig are far better qualified to explain it than me.
  18. Green bought the assets he did not buy the company. Fergus McCann purchased Celtic shares off the shareholders with his own funds.
  19. The big players (Murray, Lloyds/HBOS) save Ticketus would probably have known of Whyte's directorship ban and since his ban was up it isn't really a factor, he was smart enough not to fill in the declaration on the Ticketus paperwork and in any case they broke their own rules dealing with him. The important part of the case is whether the money paid to the bank was a result of unlawful financial assistance (illegally using the company's own money to fund the takeover).
  20. MIH are irrelevant to Oldco which was probably for all intents and purposes the reasoning behind the deal.
  21. Did Whyte not transfer the shares to Green hence the Sevco 5088, Sevco Scotland debacle. The status of Sevco 5088 is "active" and despite being given a Directorship ban Aidan Earley in an extremely rare move was given permission to remain as a Director of Sevco 5088.
  22. I doubt the manager or prospective DoF are coming without a firm commitment of adequate funding or else we could have saved all the hassle and appointed McLeish or Davies .
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