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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. That was f*&king sweet! Going to be a good week ahead up here
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_de_gloria http://hoaxes.org/weblog/comments/interviewer_who_cant_stop_laughing
  3. After Saturdays' edge of the seat second half tonight was a turgid borefest
  4. One minor point, Windass is the fastest player on the books he's faster than O'Halloran.
  5. Was at the launch today, quite a decent set up which I'm sure will be invaluable to those who need it.
  6. ...and again.
  7. You have a PM
  8. Out just now , will contact you to make arrangements when I get back, cheers.
  9. Aye I'll take it!!!
  10. Kevin Thomson latest name in the frame, fine by me.
  11. How much money has been squandered on this exercise of policing by video? Imagine the savings if the Police had actually done the job they're supposed to do on the day and actually arrested the miscreants .
  12. Probably the most off topic reply ever. Cheers Pete I've been trying to remember the name of a certain kids tv programme from the 70's for ages and that flicked the switch, The Flashing Blade!
  13. Since when has the Union Flag not been the flag of the country?
  14. Never noticed the Union flags at Rangers games nor heard the crowd sing Rule Britannia, God Save The Queen et al? To deny ANY connection between RFC and the Union is just plain silly.
  15. It's not mine, saw it on twitter earlier. Feel the pain of those 700 though, but some will get RSC tickets and some will bite the bullet and go hospitality. Wheelchair tickets aren't usually issued for Hampden games till a week or two before a game as there's always a carry on about parking permits being issued.
  16. IIRC CCCS is 20k + this season.
  17. Did the structure not predate Easdale's directorship?
  18. Aye even bullets couldn't stop Davis.
  19. Might have been ten years ago but I remember Lovenkrands putting us in front (with his right foot too!).
  20. There's a few myths about who's agent is whose, at one stage on FF Caixinha had 6 named agents with one actually correct and one even claiming it was Willie fkin McKay... I imagine we may well get players from both or either agencies.
  21. Pedro Mendes works for MNM Sports Management https://www.mnmsports.pt/equipa?id=5 Jorge Mendes runs the GestiFute agency http://gestifute.com/
  22. A wee anecdote as I was told by the former Chairman of the Rangers Disabled Supporters Club. Barry was voted the RDSC POTY and as per the norm arrangements were made through the proper channels for him to attend the POTY and receive his trophy. Come the actual event those present eagerly waited his attendance then they waited and waited and waited till it became clear he wasn't going to attend. Now he had previously agreed to attend and never stated he wouldn't, he didn't proffer a reason for his non attendance nor did he bother to apologise for his non attendance.
  23. Or the response of an experienced professional having been told by his highly respected manager to "...keep yer heid doon."
  24. Robert Grieve‏Verified account @robert_grieve 52m52 minutes ago More Hearing Pedro Caixinha may soon have a new BF
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