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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. Here's Tam Cowan's https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/SC270615
  2. Oh but it has been deemed offensive by a Scottish Court. http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/12374233.Celtic_fan_in_court_over_T_shirt_jibe/
  3. Having re read it fair point, I do read The Mail (in fact subscribe to it) though I haven't read The Express more than half a dozen times since Dirty Desmond turned it into a Daily Sport clone. However I stand by my point re BBC, ITN, SKY etc re coverage of the various incarnations of the camps at Calais. I have no problem with that your perfectly entitled to your view. No not much of late but I have been listening to Across The Border and Land Of Hope And Dreams aplenty, however my taste in music has never dictated my politics or vice versa, be a pretty short playlist if I restricted myself to Right Wing Libertarian musicians...
  4. Forgive me I must've missed the mandatory reply memo. I tend not to reply to most of your posts because I like others on here think 'you're at it' tbh. A Government should look after it's own people first, I regularly get emails from the Council asking if I have any properties available for asylum seekers/refugees not once have I ever received an email from the Council asking if I have properties for Servicemen/women leaving the Service and ergo their home and never to accommodate any of the local homeless. Lucky them because I imagine genuine refugees seldom have life savings Which nowadays appears to be a couple of hundred yards of a Libyan beach where they're met by a ship from some NGO or fake charity, taken on board another ship and watch as that NGO or fake charity hands back the smugglers boat for them to tow back to shore so the process can begin again ad infinitum. Thank f*&k the Italians have finally woken up to this farce. Seriously we can't house or look after our own, wtf sort of mayhem do you think would ensue if we open up our borders to the populace of Africa and Asia? That's nonsense they're very aware of the welfare state and they very much benefit from, take a look at Grenfell Tower it's located smack bang in the middle of one of the most expensive areas in the world let alone Britain yet so few of the inhabitants were British, a private let in there was over £1200 a week. I become sceptical when someone has the hubris to label themselves an expert. Since your very first post on here you constantly appear to think Rangers are the source of all the ills that afflict society .
  5. No they're attempting to get to the UK as we are seen as being a soft touch where the streets are paved with gold. To have reached Calais they would have had to cross France and in all probability several other EU countries. The Dublin Agreement requires asylum seekers to claim asylum in the country they enter the EU, if they fail to meet the criteria for being granted asylum in all other EU countries why the hell should they end up here? You must see a different BBC to me because anytime I've seen the BBC ( and ITN and SKY for that matter) report on the Calais camps is I see is the bleeding heart left wing liberal agenda of Asylum Seekers = Good, UK Government = Bad, variety being promulgated. I'm not against immigration at all, I've been dealing with immigrants on a daily basis for over 20 years but immigration must be managed.
  6. In in interests of transparency when discussing EBT's, tax avoidance etc shouldn't the Rangers hating licence payer funded cabal at the BBC divulge their own perfectly legal tax avoidance vehicles, after all rangers revealed their use of EBT's publicly each year? Here's one of Richard "I'was brought up to hate Rangers" Gordon's https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/SC425737 It appears taking steps to minimise your taxes is perfectly legal and normal practice unless of course you happen to be Rangers.
  7. ** Can a mod extricate the immigration related posts and give them their own thread in the Lounge?**
  8. The "native British people" as you describe them have paid into the collective pot via their NIC's. I have former tenants who haven't set foot in the UK in over 9 years still receiving Child Benefit. If things were distributed less freely they wouldn't be making a beeline for the UK in the first place. Refugees and Asylum Seekers are supposed to register and apply as soon as they enter the EU, those in the camps in Calais are not fleeing persecution they're attempting to flee France. Brexit will not make a blind bit of difference to that either.
  9. Dated today on their website (now anyway) http://www.dafc.co.uk/story.php?t=Chairman`s_Statement&ID=10114 That's a very public bitch slap.
  10. I don't think it does hold true for wider society, a few clicks of the mouse and you can see that.
  11. That's probably a correct assumption. I grew up in the Fire and Brimstone Presbyterian stronghold of North East Scotland in the 60's and 70's in a mixed Plymouth Brethren/Church of Scotland household. Strangely growing up there and then provided a shelter from sectarianism which was something I never encountered till I started going to Glasgow. Indeed we can and sometimes but not always do outgrow that but not everyone grows at the same rate and just because someone's view s haven't caught up with the rest of society doesn't in my opinion mean they are bigoted. There is little doubt my attitude to most things today is different to what it was in my teens and I suspect nearly everyone's is. One in particular being that I thought homosexuality was in itself wrong but back then that was the commonly held view, I've long since stopped thinking that way and view such an opinion to be outdated but understand why others haven't.
  12. I was talking about wider society in general not GersNet specifically.
  13. Read the thread SteveC introduced the word superior into the conversation and it's in that context I did used it. I don't think it's that big an issue but if the Club do and feel it needs addressing then I don't have a problem with them doing so. I do think peoples attitudes to homosexuality (no offence intended to anyone) are shaped by the generation (among other factors) they grew up in, you clearly don't. I'm at a loss as to how you might think I wouldn't think it isn't a positive step, sure I think there are other issues that have a higher priority but then others will have different priorities.
  14. I've never said 'age' was an excuse however it is a factor in people holding the views they do, you are of course free to dismiss this notion. Noted. I was half way through composing my post when my District Nurse or should be Community Care Heath Worker came in, hence when I finally posted it was behind the conversation.
  15. Who are "we" in this instance? People hold views that I personally deem abhorrent and no doubt some people find some of my views to be abhorrent too, I don't have a problem with that and in no way think that I am superior because of that. Views I find abhorrent today I may find acceptable tomorrow and views I find acceptable today I may find abhorrent tomorrow. Peoples views can and do change. It does not follow that because I hold my view on a particular point someone who disagree's with me is wrong, in the main I'm agnostic but that doesn't mean atheists, Christians, Muslims, Sikhs etc...etc.. are wrong and that I am superior to them.
  16. I'm unaware of posting anything in this thread that would give the impression that I favour discriminating against anyone or using derogatory and offensive language against them on the grounds of their sexual orientation, as I've stated the world has changed and my views to a degree along with it others haven't moved apace but I don't see that as reason to condemn them or think I'm superior to them, I think they're as free to hold their opinion as I or you are ours. Ditto. If indeed Anchorman has left the site over this then I share the disappointment at his departure. However where I digress is that I don't think the fact that Pete is a mod here makes a blind bit of difference, he's entitled to his own opinion same as each and every one of us here and I don't see his words having any more authority or causing anymore offence than anyone else. It was clearly a personal opinion and his mod status is in my view irrelevant.
  17. No I'm not suggesting that at all but I think you know that already. What I am suggesting is in more general terms that not every societal change is for the better i.e. the current march of positive discrimination which I find as every bit as abhorrent as the discrimination that it allegedly counters. All that should matter is that the person best qualified for a job should get it whatever their gender, whatever their sexual orientation, whatever their colour, whatever their religion etc. That different posters have different views on a subject to those held by either yourself or I isn't in itself a surprise, I think everyone one of us on here will hold views that will shock others but I see that as pretty normal and a reflection of a wide cross section of society who just happen to be brought together by one common love. Be a pretty boring planet if we were all held the same homogeneous views.
  18. I don't mind if your reply is aimed at me or not as everyone is entitled to an opinion and I don't for a second expect everyone to share mine. While Bruce Hornsby may well not be to your musical taste it does relate to what's being discussed. Being in my fifties I concur that many things that were acceptable to me in my younger days are no longer so but equally there are many things that have changed for the worse. Undoubted times change attitudes but not everyone moves at the same pace, whether you like it or not that's just the way it is.
  19. It's not an excuse it's a simple fact that what people thought was perfectly normal acceptable behaviour a generation or more ago is no longer viewed that way , that's just the way it is. Said hey, little boy, you can't go where the others go 'Cause you don't look like they do Said hey, old man, how can you stand to think that way? And did you really think about it before you made the rules? He said, son......
  20. It's not a gate it's a hell of a lot more.
  21. It's located in the old Rangers Radio room in the Govan West Corner.
  22. None of the subs when warming up looked interested tbh they did more standing and watching than actual warming up, Pena was no better or no worse than any of the others. I think it was probably more to do with Pedro changing his mind re tactics than anything else, he took Miller off for Wilson and went 5 at the back against Sheffield Wednesday last week too.
  23. Think there's a generational aspect to all this, I've long stopped bothering about what was back in the day known as "poofs" and "lizzies". Just because someone grew up in a world that was different to the one we now inhabit doesn't make them a bigot. Its not my cup of tea but each to their own and all that, if a man loves another man or a woman another woman who am I to decry them? One thing I can't quite grasp is the current gender fluidity stuff which seems utter bollox to me along with the "man gives birth" nonsense.
  24. That's a pretty lazy comparison as not all disabilities are visible in fact the vast majority aren't, that's a mindset that some of us have spent years trying Rangers to change.
  25. Ooo the damning with faint praise Nice castle? It's not as if you can hold the worlds largest Cultural Festival every weekend either though is it? While indeed Glasgow does posses some of Fosters work neither the Armadillo or the Hydro would make it to his top hundred, the Armadillo being basically a Poundland Sydney Opera House and while the Transport Museum indeed looks ok from across the river I found inside it didn't perform its function well at all with far too many exhibits being stuck high on the walls and appearing remote. Not being a lover of cities a non-football trip to Edinburgh is always a much more pleasant experience than a non-football trip to Glasgow.
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