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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. Oops, thanks for pointing that out!...:blush:
  2. So David Murrays private jet trip to Singapore on the day we went into liquidation wasn't to merely to flog plonk?
  3. We may be pleasantly surprised.
  4. Pretty sure it has to be all.
  5. Don't think that's correct my understanding is that advertising space has been bought for Wednesday so that the 28 day statutory notice period can be given to creditors.
  6. A director has by law to sign the balance sheet, I'd hazard a guess that it was the lack of that particular signature that prevented the accounts being issued rather than anything at Grant Thorntons' end.
  7. Yes it is however you want to dress it up.
  8. What's stopping the administrators issuing the accounts that Craig Whyte refused to sign off?
  9. What is the extent of due diligence that you have performed on the prospective buyers especially Club9? Why have you made no attempts to contact creditors of RFC plc? You have described numerous times Craig Whytes' shareholding as an irrelevance and his floating charge as worthless, yet you have not started proceedings to ensure that this is the case why not? It appears Mr Paul Clark is a member of the Close Film Sale and Leaseback LLP and that Close Leasing are our only secured creditor both these entity's fall under the umbrella of Close Brothers Group, would it not have been wiser to declare this at the outset even if there is no legal requirement to do so, after all you were at pains to ensure that your MCR was not the same as Craig Whytes' MCR. How much in fees are you racking up each week?
  10. I'm quite sure they have their reasons not quite so sure they're good reasons.
  11. This is worth a read if only for the humour value.
  12. The bottom two links don't work, the sites seem to have disappeared in much the same way the Liberty Capital website did when people started taking an interest in it.
  13. There seems to be a Whytesque touch surrounding Club9
  14. Should have asked for a copy of their latest accounts to see if there's any substance to them.
  15. Was posted on here before FF http://www.gersnetonline.co.uk/vb/showthread.php?40940-Rangers-administrators-run-up-%A33m-bill&p=312290&highlight=#post312290 That should have read member instead of director as LLP's have members rather than directors.
  16. That's wrong he is not a director of Close Group at all, just read the original posts relating to this on FF.
  17. You must be the exception that proves the rule then.
  18. Once again failed to live up to the hype.
  19. Yet another reason why we must get this f*&king nightmare ended as soon as possible.
  20. Just a hosting site for documents.
  21. Documents are already in public domain, check the properties and you can see where they're linked from. Can't really see any similarities between my linking and BH's postings though.
  22. Was just confirming caseyjones and shorerdbear's posts. Certainly wasn't inferring anything about anybody.
  23. There is only one creditor who will be paid in full and that is Close Leasing (part of the Close Brothers stable) Paul Clark ( of Duff & Phelps) is a director of The Close Film Sale And Leaseback LLP (part of the Close Brothers stable), it's a small world after all...:whistle:
  24. ...and for der Berliner's benefit they're not f*&king fakes.
  25. Think this one's in BH's territory!
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