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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. Russia vs Egypt 3-0 Portugal vs Morocco 3-0 Uruguay vs Saudi Arabia 2-0 Iran vs Spain 0-4 Denmark vs Australia 2-1 JOKER France vs Peru 3-1 Argentina vs Croatia 2-2 Brazil vs Costa Rica 4-0 Nigeria vs Iceland 1-1 Serbia vs Switzerland 1-1 Belgium vs Tunisia 3-0 South Korea vs Mexico 0-2 Germany v Sweden 3-0 England vs Panama 3-0 Japan vs Senegal 1-2 Poland vs Colombia 1-1
  2. ....and the total votes cast was?
  3. Russia vs Saudi Arabia (Group A) 3-0 Egypt vs Uruguay (Group A) 1-2 Morocco vs Iran (Group B) 3-1 Portugal vs Spain (Group B) 2-2 France vs Australia (Group C) 3-0 JOKER Peru vs Denmark (Group C) 1-3 Argentina vs Iceland (Group D) 3-1 Croatia vs Nigeria (Group D) 1-1 Costa Rica vs Serbia (Group E) 0-2 Brazil vs Switzerland (Group E) 4-0 Germany vs Mexico (Group F) 3-0 Sweden vs South Korea (Group F) 1-1 Belgium vs Panama (Group G) 4-0 Tunisia vs England (Group G) 0-3 Colombia vs Japan (Group H) 2-1 Poland vs Senegal (Group H 2-2
  4. New cladding.
  5. Little point in filling Ashley's pockets for the sake of a few weeks.
  6. Was at Ibrox on Thursday and was informed 42k renewals, 3k wanting transfers and 12k on the waiting list.
  7. The Elbow Room
  8. Second from left is Rikki Fleming who played for Ayr United.
  9. Would be great if it materialises.....
  10. We'll get the 4 existing Broomloan spaces now but lose the 7 in the corner, so 3 down for home games against them unless plans to increase the total spaces are expedited which is unlikely but not impossible if the will is there.
  11. Was always going to be the case once the first move was made.
  12. I suppose in the grand scheme of things it's but a blip and hopefully the discrepancy only lasts a season. Yes it will be raised.
  13. 7 but they're the only unresticted view wheelchair spaces there are.
  14. I'm sure they didn't for a single second consider the effect on home wheelchair fans.
  15. They currently receive 4 for the Broomloan and us 16 for there, they will now receive 7 for the Govan West Corner and we will be reduced to circa 6 or less over there. I'm not averse to the move per se in fact I'm inclined to welcome it but a nett reduction in available home wheelchair spaces when there's a waiting list of 221 people isn't acceptable.
  16. This means Rangers wheelchair fans will now receive less tickets for the fixture at Ibrox and across the city while they will receive increased wheelchair allocations.
  17. Safe standing will arrive at some point or other. We're going to lose circa 2000 seats to install appropriate wheelchair spaces. We rarely sell out hospitality as it is, when the Ibrox Suite is opened as a pub for an Old Firm game that tells it's own story. Parking is a red herring.
  18. It could be phased over a few seasons to avoid any reduction in capacity during construction. A forward looking Board could factor in other elements including the upcoming disabled seating requirements, safe standing and the inbuilt structural advantage the Tims have by being able to sell 10k more seats perhaps then the investment required would seem much more realistic than dealing with each item on its own.
  19. We can but it would require the Copland,Govan and Broomloan Stands to be re-roofed in a different design to the current goal post style.
  20. There is room to expand and increase capacity at Ibrox but not convinced the cost per seat would be viable. Don't really see the need to move though a new stadium would solve many problems.
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