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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. Careful now some on here simply cannot comprehend that people can be privy to information that they're not. In PMs' defence regarding your OP and the £28m, I don't think the circumstances then and now means you're comparing apples with apples. The £28m (I always thought it was £25m but that's irrelevant I suppose) wasn't an offer to buy the club from David Murray for that sum it was an offer to recapitalise the club to the tune of that amount. The £28m then was going into the club, if someone were to offer £28m today it wouldn't go to the club but into the CVA pot, the club would still require to be recapitalised post CVA. Having said that I have to agree that I too have had major reservations of the strategy of their bid, some aspects have left me simply bewildered and the temptation to say "just put your money on the f*&king table and cut out the crap" is a big one, but I suppose that's easy to say as I'm not wearing their shoes. To let our club slip into God knows whose hand for the sake of £million here or there would be an act of great folly. I do not think anybody could have devised such a torturous scenario for f*&king with bears minds. I just want my club to saved, preferably by CVA but that hope seems to be ebbing away at an alarming rate.
  2. His latest tweet highly unlikely to score the same on der Berliners' approval meter! Nacho Novo ‏ @nnovo1010 Hope the blue knights get the club for me the best people for the club we need rangers fans at the club WATP Collapse Reply Retweet Favorite
  3. As Mr Gump said.......................
  4. Of course the first casualty of any was is truth.
  5. Being liquidated or dissolved means nothing till you know the circumstances of each particular company. So let's see your research on each of the companies!
  6. Why thank you kind sir behind a keyboard is usually where I post from, tried sitting in front of one but didn't quite work.....
  7. Ours not to reason why, ours but to do and die. There's a greater game being played out here where we can merely stand on the sidelines and watch. There's been so much said and done in this whole sorry saga that seems to defy all reasonable logic, nothing is ever what it first appears to be.
  8. Just demonstrates what they've been dealing with and why they are so clearly frustrated.
  9. :smile: Contrary to popular opinion my mood is always light....:smile:
  10. Stick to the f*&king topic!......
  11. To be fair to him he has to wait till Black Jack tells him like the rest of the Beeb.
  12. Some will say it's spin and lies..... I'd like to say it's a conspiracy but I'll plump coincidence, perhaps Ticketus think all the others will plump for newco and it's in their interest to start litigation now. To be honest was surprised at how confident Brian Kennedy was that they would vote for a CVA.
  13. Fair enough but can we please get a f*&king end to the "if you don't agree with me you're spinning and lying for somebody" pish. I happen to agree that AHWAN posts a lot of crap but it's his own crap. I'll happily take my medicine, but at least I practice what I preach. Weird that none of the admin get accused of "spinning and lying etc" when their opinion differs though eh?....
  14. Half that figure would be more accurate, so I'm led to believe (that being what the extra required if you go newco).
  15. **Declines the opportunity to score an open goal**
  16. But Miller stated that there was a huge difference between what was inside the data room and the picture painted by Duff & Phelps and the reality of the situation.
  17. For those who haven't seen it.
  18. http://www.gersnetonline.co.uk/vb/showthread.php?43009-BK-press-conference/page6 David Hinchliffe appears to be the real deal. http://www.walkermorris.co.uk/content.aspx?id=98&partnerid=100022
  19. Pinched from FF
  20. I tend to disagree with 99% of what he posts but it's him that's posting it he's not under anybodys orders ffs. You'd be best sitting in a darkened room for a few days because it's obvious what's going on is way, way over your head and the situation is far too fluid for you to handle. You hear the fat lady singing yet ?
  21. You've got to get rid of this notion that if someones' opinion differs to your own that they are under instructions or peddling spin and lies, it's repetitive, boring and frankly makes you look foolish and nothing but a sad McCarthyite (that's Joseph not Dalton).
  22. I know, personally I just can't wait till Charles Manson and Joseph Kony are announced as our new owners....
  23. Would have certainly liked them to do so, guess they finally ran out of patience with the way they think they were treated.
  24. Perhaps because there was no agreement re Whytes' shareholding and despite Duff & Phelps public utterances they were not in a position to deliver them.
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