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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. In the culpability queue for our pathetic European displays last season Jelavic would be near the end not the front.
  2. We were woefully ill-prepared when we faced Malmo as we normally for the European qualifying rounds, totally bizarre given their importance.
  3. par·a·noid (pr-noid) adj. 1. Relating to, characteristic of, or affected with paranoia. n. 2. Exhibiting or characterized by extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others: a paranoid suspicion that the phone might be bugged. One affected with paranoia. If I want sympathy I'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis.
  4. Took you a while but welcome to 2012.....
  5. I think CG is a c*&t.....
  6. That would be a packet of crisps and a bottle of IrnBru more than Charles Green is investing though.....
  7. So if it's revealed that Green has approached the BKs' and asked them to invest in his consortium will your constant venom then be directed at him and the other members of his consortium?
  8. The afore mentioned Mr Smith will most certainly be called a few adjective on the bus down, I doubt sublime will be one of them......
  9. Which will lead to Groundhog Day 12,18,24 months down the line....
  10. Technically it's not a transfer ban but a prohibition on the registration of players over the age of 18.
  11. Anybody going?.........
  12. Indeed so were, how did I fail to remember the cup of tar masquerading as Bovril...........at least I good fish supper out of it...
  13. Look for all the difference it would make, we withdrew from every cup competition at the first stage last season anyway.
  14. Oh I know that, what fun will there be come June 1 if Craig Whyte hasn't left the building?
  15. Well at l suppose that's at least £8m more than we'd get if we end up down the newco route. Does anybody really expect that even if we get a CVA that no players will exercise their option?
  16. Of course someone of authority had to have spoken to Ticketus well in advance of the monies being forward, a number of ex-directors have denied all knowledge some haven't denied it at all. It's also begs the question if a director did indeed have prior knowledge of the Ticketus deal why didn't he reveal it to his fellow directors at a board meeting?
  17. It's obvious that Ticketus must have spoken to someone of authority at Ibrox at the time, perhaps we'll find out shortly I certainly hope so.
  18. For those beyond the paywall.... Wonder what his price was for delivering us into Craig Whytes' hands and how much of it came from RFC plc?
  19. I'd hazard a guess that's already been done by someone who has an appropriate vehicle for doing so.
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