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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. Who said they'd cover up anything?
  2. I thought we were challenging on the grounds that the SPA acted ultra vires in imposing the registration ban.
  3. According to Gregory Ioannidis (the sports lawyer guy) the SFAs' Articles don't permit an appeal to CAS because they claim the findings of the Appellate Tribunal are final and binding. It appears once more we find ourselves in uncharted waters.
  4. He did, I thought for a minute that der Berliner had jumped the shark and didn't believe anything the bastards say either....
  5. I know it's a weird one, sticks us in it for the tax due but absolutely confirms that his receiving payment through an EBT does not constitute a second contract in any way shape or form.
  6. Yes he just stated that he got paid as per his contractual rights through an EBT, but on the other hand it was only one contact!
  7. Agreed, but factors out with our control come into play, we rely on the goodwill of the players with escape clauses there's no guarantee that goodwill will be forthcoming we also need a successful CVA (which I sincerely hope we obtain) but again there is no guarantee that will be forthcoming, I just think there's too many pitfalls on the road to salvation and I can't see us being able to avoid them all alas.
  8. I'd like to think we'd all like to keep McGregor, Davis and Naismith I just don't see how it's possible to do so, especially as a CVA is not a given and if we end up going down Duff & Phelps preferred newco route then factors out with the control of the club come into play.
  9. That's £100k a week every week without any European income, in the middle of one of the worst economic climates in history, I admire your optimism.
  10. That goes into the CVA pot iirc.
  11. The IPA is a self-regulatory body not a statutory body ergo highly unlikely to action against it's own, iirc at least 2 members of MCR/Duff & Phelps sit on it's various boards/committees.
  12. The email dated 19th April 2011 and its' contents are facts not assumptions (even Grier has not challenged its' veracity), surely you're not going to fall back on ye olde "fake documents" claim like you did with the MG05's exposing the sale off of the catering rights?
  13. Which will leave a £5m deficit to be dealt with you seriously think that will be tackled without any of our top earners leaving?
  14. Ah so he knows about "A" deal but not "The" deal, the email clearly states "Ticketus agreements" plural, meaning there was more than one Ticketus deal Grier was aware of. Do you seriously expect us to believe that Grier thought the £24.4m deal for three years season tickets was for working capital? Grier did the cashflow projections do you not think the advance sale of 3 years seasons tickets just might have a wee bit of effect on the cashflow?
  15. We have a £10m built in structural deficit to deal with come hell or high water, realistically we'll be waving goodbye to the top five earners imho....
  16. So Grier does not know about any Ticketus agreements on the 19th of April 2011 but he knows on the 19th of April 2011 that the Ticketus agreements will become unconditional once certain factors fall into place?......
  17. LOL....now relying on quoting the biggest Rangers hater in the entire Fourth Estate, weird. Does Grier not read his emails, last time I looked the 19th of April was before the 24th of April, and "Ticketus agreements" plural is Grier denying the contents of the email?
  18. That's a wee bit of an understatement there!
  19. He'd have given himself a double hernia reading the John Bennett stuff on here then.
  20. Perhaps that case will be part of the CVA proposal put forward by Green.
  21. Folks was plural when I was at school anyway, when did they change it?
  22. Much more preferable just to bend over and let the SFA shove it up our arse sans lube eh?....
  23. I doubt he'll class it as an insult (which it isn't anyway).
  24. Der Berliner certainly doesn't! Looks to me pretty much like Daly is taunting Grier, I suspect he's holding plenty in reserve and is going to drip feed it out. It's clear the May 9 invoices are the ones Grier referred to in the emails published earlier does Grier really expect us to believe that the £24.4m was for working capital?
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