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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. I suppose that he'll leave the renaming of Ibrox to whoever he sells it to...........
  2. Don't see much in there that I could disagree with.
  3. We should be more concerned about who'll be holding the deeds than what it's called, plenty time to rename it whatever is so desired later.
  4. A trip to Berlin would have indeed been nice, but I've never been on a bad trip to Germany yet so can't complain too much.
  5. He wasn't at the meeting. (also that article wasn't meant to be an official RFFF statement as it seems to have been construed, that was due to a misunderstanding by the Press Association journalist whereby the rest of the papers just used the PA copy)
  6. Blame whoever killed the search function which ensures searching is alas now a time consuming experience ensuring responses are a little tardy.
  7. Spin and lies! (© Cumbernauld Gers) Wonder what other golden nuggets will come out? " I can get sponsors so we don't have the same sponsor as them." " I got X amount sponsor ship monies for Sheffield United X years ago." " Massive market with unlimited potential in Asia which we'll capitalise on." " Global brand....." .....etc....etc....etc....
  8. At least you'll be spared the choice of having to make a decision to renew or not ! Says the commander and chief of the 'Anyone But The Blue Knights Brigade'....
  9. The term loan was falling and had an interest rate of 4.75%, Green/Sevco debt will rise due to working capital requirements and the structural deficit and has a reputed interest rate of 8%. So is flogging season Tickets to Ticketus that worked out well !
  10. Well I don't f*&king believe your protestations, if it looks like and quacks like a duck it's usually a f*&king duck!
  11. T before h and y after e! "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
  12. You equate having a Protestant ethos with being the basis of smearing a different religion, don't see much difference between that and Matt Slaters' "Rangers are anti-Catholic" pish.
  13. I'll repeat it again in the hope that it may penetrate this time round, "The fact our club has a Protestant ethos is not something that we should ever apologise for." Now tell me where the f*&k that statement in any way shape or form smears any other religion?
  14. The fact our club has a Protestant ethos is not something that we should ever apologise for. If I were to write down a list of reasons for RFC and Lafferty to go their separate ways, I'd use a few rainforests worth of pencils before I ever got round to contemplating who and where he married. All that did was once again reinforce the hypocrisy of the Church of Rome as did their funeral mass for the Pink QC.
  15. He does appear to be a harbinger of bad luck for those unfortunate enough to do business with him !
  16. Charles Green Statement PROSPECTIVE chief exec wishes to see transfer emba... .......
  17. Euphemism for shit stirring?
  18. Everybody's entitled to an opinion so long as it agrees with yours ?
  19. The fact that the admin on FF locked the thread would contradict that claim would it not?
  20. Was away all weekend too......
  21. LOL....nice journalist trick of altering the chronology and the context of the quotes to suit an agenda.
  22. He has heritable property in Scotland and Tixway Ltd (it has assets) is registered in Scotland, if the law thinks they have a case they will get their money any attempt to dispose of his heritable property will be classed as gratuitous alienation under Scots Law.
  23. Contempt of court most probably.
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