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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. Green has no problem with accepting it, McCoist however does have a problem with it.
  2. You have to remember it was Ticketus who effectively rumbled Whyte when they submitted the VAT repayment claim to HMRC. I don't think Ticketus are guilty of anything other than sheer greed and if they end up with f*&k all it will serve them right. In saying that I find it strange they haven't stared court proceedings against Whyte for the so called 'guarantees'.
  3. Didn't approve that either though did they?
  4. Had it been in their interests to approve a CVA then they would have, it wasn't so they didn't.
  5. They waited till there was a CVA proposal and decided it held no value.
  6. Generally on Whyte related matters he's been spot on (though not quite 100% of the time).
  8. From one of the few posters that's worth reading on the RTC
  9. The Guardian the paper written by hypocrites for hypocrites......
  10. The private buying of the shares is perfectly legal as demonstrated by the various attempts by would be buyers to obtain Whytes' shareholding.
  11. Can't it's a powerpoint type presentation.
  12. Click this link it will download without you having to visit FF http://forum.followfollow.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=377&d=1342451333
  13. They want one this year! Should make for a very creative and interesting prospectus.
  14. I doubt that considering the haste that they seem to be in to launch a share issue, even in times of bull markets and economic boom no SFL3 club is going to be valued at anything approaching £50m, institutional participation will be negligible at best and fans will not buy anything approaching £50m, personally I'd buy in the market as opposed to the floatation.
  15. Agreed, the way some people viewed it as looking for £50m to sell up was simply plain wrong.
  16. Sad thing is all things being equal we should be worth at least £50m.
  17. Well my particular banning was the result of exposing Whytes' hiving off of the catering income to Close Leasing by posting copies of the MG05's from Companies House. FF merely deleted my thread but RST posted links to the documents an hour later. This was the only site where the thread stood unaltered, in fact it took a mod from here to get me unbanned at RM. This is a far more grown up site that ever RM or FF could ever be.
  18. I've had one c*&t of a week but by f*&k that made me laugh !
  19. I'd defer to Bluedell !
  20. No but Lord Hodge ruled that they held 'no real or property rights over the seats'. Anyway their contract was with the soon to be defunct The Rangers Football Club plc.
  21. I find this strange.
  22. Vinny ‏@DarcheVinny Ok, we have notes to go through back at the pub shortly. To quickly summarise, nothing new from Brown today.
  23. If only Green was as upfront and honest about who his "investors" actually are then much pain and bitterness could have been avoided and time could have been better spent on more pressing matters.
  24. Ignoring everything the Tims say and do is as dangerous as believing everything the Tims say and do.
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