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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. Hope he doesn't contradict himself this time. But praise where it's due.
  2. Their plan to get us to division one was f*&ked by the only organisation that's shown the slightest vestige of common sense in this whole sorry sordid affair something the SPL didn't count on by assuming the SFL was as corrupt as the SPL.
  3. Every cloud has a silver lining.
  4. Do you think for one minute they would have committed suicide?
  5. Greens the surrender monkey not I or GS. He accepted a ban declared illegal by the Court of Session. The SPL have to make circa £7m worth of payments in August where would they get that without a tv deal, they would have been unable to make their payments as they fell due ergo they'd be insolvent.
  6. If your not happy then you know what to do.
  7. If we weren't playing football next season how long do you think the SPL would have lasted before it went bust?
  8. Aye I'm sure Green has Richard Keen QC on retainer...... might as well use this smillie while it's still valid.
  9. Well stop whining like a two year old and stick me on ignore.
  10. Aye the right to appeal to one **** filled organisation against the decision of another **** infested organisation.
  11. Green had a strong hand and folded, if we had not got SFA membership then the SPL would have been insolvent within weeks.
  12. If they thought they'd get f*&k all out of the investigation they'd have dropped it. The surrender of five titles is the price we have to pay so Green can fill his pockets.
  13. From official site.
  14. The right of appeal is to the SFA not the Court of Session you do realise that?
  15. Titles are as good as gone now Green has capitulated however he chooses to dress it up.
  16. Looks like Green's capitulated and left the door open for them to strip the titles.
  17. Don't like the sound of this:
  18. Joint statement on behalf of The Scottish FA, The Scottish Premier League, The Scottish Football League and Sevco Scotland Ltd.
  19. Quite a good read apart from the seemingly obligatory quote from Tom Devine. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390443931404577550832362966366.html
  20. From the FF rumour mill:
  21. 34 year old. Have we learned nothing?
  22. Grant Russell ‏@STVGrant Loads asking about Rangers' removal from SFL fixtures. Dundee appeared on SPL today. Appears to be DataCo issue. Asked lges for confirmation Expand Reply Retweet Favorite 45m Internet Bampot ‏@gburnsglasgow @STVGrant wanna try that me in English grant. Lost me at the dataco and iges bit Expand Reply Retweet Favorite 44m Grant Russell ‏@STVGrant @gburnsglasgow Looks like a data error. We've asked for confirmation. Hide conversation Reply Retweet Favorite
  23. No the sale of Whytes' shares was contingent on a successful CVA, Whyte still owns 85.3% of The Rangers Football Club plc.
  24. It means Whyte could theoretically regain control.
  25. Time will tell if he's right or wrong. Green has hardly been a paragon of truth so far. The ignore facility is available to all, rather than consistently complain about him why not just use it?
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