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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. It appears he's confusing various sub leases as ownership when it's patently obvious they're nothing of the kind.
  2. You may find the new edition of Number One illuminating.
  3. Have they seen the deeds?
  4. ......from a couple of weeks back.
  5. Where can I get the Blackberry app? Just get a 404 error at http://tapatalk.com/bb
  6. Full statement:
  7. The Herald:
  8. Minor report about it in The Scotsman:
  9. Both the statements from Park and the 'club source' have been coordinated with the objective of distancing the Green regime from Whyte (I'm not quite convinced of the necessity for that, but for obvious reasons the Green regime are keen to keep distance between themselves and Whyte). This is an attempt to kill the story (if in fact there is a story in there worth the name). It's the food and drink of Media House, Green is listening very carefully to his advisor's these days, especially those who know the lay of the land up here.
  10. Simple fact is Media House are still doing RFC's PR as they did with Whyte as they did with Murray or are you disputing that? 99 times out of 100 when you here things attributed to "Rangers spokesman/men" then it's Media House that's what they get paid for and that's how it works, but hey you carry on blaming the Thimmy Mhedia if it makes you feel better.
  11. Is that a rhetorical question?
  12. The one constant is the "Rangers spokesman" aka Media House same as it was under Whyte same as it was under Murray.
  13. On the BBC Rangers fans question EBT probe appointment by SPL http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/19137624
  14. Not the wisest of decisions from Green and yet another "weird coincidence".
  15. 16.66......% Pedantic Loyal
  16. Don't think our fans are altruistic enough for this to work, look at the disaster known as GerSave and people were getting something for their money there.
  17. Things are improving though, it took a whole 11 posts the other day before someone called me the "T" word for pointing out MHG had appointed Allenby Capital as it's NOMAD. It's always quite amusing looking back through the old threads on RM and seeing how many of those uber fans were genuflecting Whyte.
  18. All things considered probably half decent.
  19. GIOVANNI DI STEFANO ‏@DEVILSADVOKAT Ibrox.. The red triangles represent divided pieces of land diverse owners that I will in due course disclose pic.twitter.com/Wt3ZZMHa Reply Retweet Favorite He seems a bit reticent to name names. No shock that Edminston House (and what looks like it's car park) would be on a different title.
  20. Hundred .
  21. Queues are most for East Fife tickets, 1500 season tickets processed yesterday (not sure if that was ticket office only or across all platforms).
  22. Think there will be a much larger proportion of juvenile tickets compared to the norm.
  23. I don't view it as either bad or good just as part of the process.
  24. Just another part of the strategy to win the hearts and minds and of course to sell shares.
  25. Why would I need to hint ? if I thought it was the case I'm not too shy to come out and say so, I just posted the facts as they are, feel free to disprove them.
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