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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. Is there any reason save pandering to the perpetually offended why we shouldn't ?
  2. Why can't the RFFF produce a report of their meetings akin to this? RTIDNI once again providing an excellent summary.
  3. CHARLES GREEN, Rangers' Chief Executive, issued the following statement today: http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/item/2291-charles-green-statement
  4. He likes throwing the odd hand grenade does Mr Johnston. If anyone knows the in's and out's of "image rights" and such like it'll be him.
  5. It's what you get after years of ineptitude and apathy by all things Protestant.
  6. It looks like their latest statement is more akin to a suicide note. At least two named groups wish to be disassociated from it.
  7. Ah the joys of a 24" screen.....
  8. Yes 50p in the £ so far.
  9. We had 16, as far as I'm aware all were sold.
  10. The SFL put the SPL to shame period.
  11. Anybody used the Private Sector Landlords Loan scheme to improve/replace the heating systems in their properties?
  12. One thing Green is not is stupid he will have taken excellent legal advice before he basically told the SPL to f*&k off.
  13. How can you possibly claim Rangers "won that one" when Lord Glennie had declared such a sanction invalid?
  14. Out will come ye olde "Client confidentiality" excuse. The SFA will have a bit of explaining to do too.
  15. Ah! yet so many thought he was the Second Coming.
  16. It's a roadshow to sell shares nobody ever accused him of being a crap salesman.
  17. Would be nice if the RFFF were so forthcoming so quickly eh?
  18. The SPL and the SFA are doing a grand job selling shares for Green & Co. Far smarter than the usual fools is Mr Green but whether what's good for Green & Co is the same thing that's good for RFC I remain to be convinced.
  19. Christopher Jack ‏@Chris_Jack89 Stirling Albion secretary Dick King resigns from his position after referring to #Rangers as 'the Huns' on an Internet forum Expand Reply Retweet Favorite
  20. Most definitely the former.
  21. There's no comparison between the caution,caution,caution pass it across the back for 5 minutes mantra adopted by Walter Smith and the blooter it and charge forward asap of Wimbledon. Using your own reasoning there's no correlation between "ugly" football and winning either.
  22. One wonders who's doing the underwriting and at what cost?
  23. Then why go to the bother of comparing Rangers with Wimbledon in the first place?
  24. Pray tell when was their "most successful years" given that in their 115 year history they won the FA Amateur Cup once and the FA Cup once.
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