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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. The problem I have (and no doubt others too) is my shares ergo my vote. In the case of Whyte it would not have made a blind bit of difference whatever structure held the shares he didn't control.
  2. Irrespective of the virtues of Ian Black's nocturnal activities just why the f*&k did he get a start and Kyle Hutton (motm our last 2 games) get a seat in the stand?
  3. Believe me he'll take anybody's money (he's said that himself numerous times). The timing of a flotation so soon after the initial purchase should be in itself a warning. Last time Green brought a football club to the market it was Sheffield United at 60p per share when he left a few months later they were 30p per share they were subsequently delisted at 6p per share a 90% loss for those who bought in the flotation.
  4. Have absolutely no idea to either question.
  5. He's not selling the shares to a broker he's employing the broker to sell the shares on his behalf in return for a not inconsiderable fee. I sincerely doubt than many if any financial institutions will partake, the risk reward ratio is slanted heavily towards risk. We simply do not know at present if we're debt free or not but the present investors certainly want their money back (and more). On paper we are anything but a good investment, it won't be restricted Green will sell to anyone who wants to buy thing is nobody without an emotional attachment club will buy as I previously said the constituency of potential investors is very, very narrow.
  6. Because due process must be done, it wasn't and there's no option but to abandon the case.
  7. The fact that there's no financial institution willing to underwrite the issue says a lot, season ticket holders and supporters groups are unlikely to ask for independent financial advice from a suitable source. The fans are the only constituency for the shares and Green knows it.
  8. I hope you don't choke on your humble pie when the shit hits the fan again. I think Charles will be better financially rewarded than we are.
  9. He learned from Murray and Whyte that the more bullshit you spread around the happier your average bear becomes.
  10. The case was abandoned because witnesses failed to turn up that's not the same as being cleared.
  11. It's not as if there wasn't a big enough warning sign..... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-17078759
  12. That's because nobody will underwrite it.
  13. What happened to the billionaires, have they done a runner?
  14. No it's just that Curly, Larry and Moe haven't got a f*&king clue!
  15. The name/s on the deeds.......
  16. How can you observe something that isn't there?
  17. Is a state of euphoric joy a pre-requisite in order to post?
  18. Usually does when you tell the crowd what they want to hear!
  19. All Emirates did was buy the naming rights and shirt sponsorship, they're an airline they fly aeroplanes they build f*&k all.
  20. How so ? the deal was with RFC plc and the money is long gone, doubt if JJB's administrators would even consider to attempt to recover any of it.
  21. This thread admirably demonstrates why the thread title is (alas) a Utopian pipe dream.....
  22. Has it not in fact turned out to be nearer £6m per year (average) given the lumps sum was £18m and the deal only lasted just over 6 years?
  23. Let's hope they're not just moonbeams.
  24. From the Daily Mail Ibrox fans urge 'away' boycott ahead of League Cup draw
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