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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. Not exactly coming out all guns blazing.
  2. I think the fact Lord Hodge felt compelled to ask them to report on the actions they took re conflict of interest prior to being appointed is a fair indication of the way things are heading, allied to the BBC's wilingness to report today's developments sans peur of being sued (the previous threat of legal action never materialised).
  3. Do you think Grier has adopted the Royal "we"?
  4. Not my usual response no, but then I don't usually see you posting such total bollox! That Grier has acted all through this on behalf of MCR/D&P is beyond despute.
  5. Don't they as partners not have joint and several liability?
  6. Mark Daly ‏@markdaly2 Don't miss Rep Scot at 6.30 tonight for new revelations about what RFC admins Duff & Phelps knew, including secretly recorded evidence. Retweeted by Rangers Supporters Expand Reply Retweet Favorite
  7. Didn't look to clever whilst we were being raped by Whyte.
  8. As much as I want to see Whyte doing porridge I don't hold out much hope of that actually happening. At best we'll probably see Whyte voluntarily agree to not being able to seve as a director of a UK company again.
  9. Wouldn't be surprised if the Premier property Group did it..... Not sure if requires a creditor to take action or if the liquidators can do it on their own volition (I assume the latter).
  10. It would certainly be very,very messy but Green claiming an £80m valuation has effectively given them a stick with which to beat him, they may use that stick to extract a further payment in regards to the assets, he'd have to argue in court against his own figures!
  11. Technically speaking it's only the original facade of the Struth Stand that's 'B' listed (iirc Highbury was the same English equivalent Grade 2) the rest of it could be knocked down (again re Highbury). It's quite possible that permission would be granted to lift the listing and demolish the facade too, we're about to see a 'B' listed building vanish in London Road!
  12. What I'm saying albeit rather labouredly is that none of the valuations are acurate refections of the value, not DM Hall's original £100m+ or the currently alleged £80m nor LSH's. If DM Hall did both valuations on a replacement value then the second valuation should be higher, considerably so due to inflation in the construction sector. If both DM Hall and LSH have valued the properties on the same basis then there is something seriously amiss. It's clear that if sold and rented back at £500k per annum then a value of £10m giving a 5% return is easily achievable, remember there was rumour of the Ontario Teachers Pension Fund (iirc) purchasing the assets. It will be those more learned in the finer points of law than me or thee that decide such matters but it'll be no great shock if the liquidators raise concerns regarding the various valuations.
  13. No shit Sherlock, it's what I do for a living. If somethings valued at over £100m one year, just over £1m the next then back up to £80m 6 months later then there's something very fishy going on. Replacement cost for insurance purposes is not a true valuation, I have properties worth between £40-£50k yet they are valued at £550k on a replacement basis.
  14. The valutions from DM Hall and Lambert Smith Hampton are so far apart that it's as if they are from different solar systems. DM Hall have previous form for inflating the value of Ibrox as Bluedell points out on the previous page (if only they were so generous in valuing my properties ). Some pertinent need to be asked of DM Hall, Lambert Smith Hampton and Duff & Phelps regarding this matter, if I were a creditor I'd be in front of Lord Hodge screaming "gratuitous alienation".
  15. A question asked by Rapid Vienna many times! Half of it has been paid to "oldco", the balance or rather a percentage of it will be paid when the administrators of Pritchards decide it's prudent to do so.
  16. Freedom of expresion and speech appear to be truly noble notions till someone else expresses themselves and speaks.
  17. Begin? Does it ever stop?
  18. You're happy not knowing the beneficial owners of the two largest stakes?
  19. Half inched from the dodgy lawyers site.
  20. For those not behind the paywall. The Times article which prompted Greens' statement re ownership.
  21. Didn't Whyte allude to this himself last week.
  22. Who's to stop you if you're the one holding a flosting charge?
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