Ok let's look at the previous football club he floated off, floated for 60p he departs a few months later with the shares at 35p they are subsequently de-listed at 6p. A 90% destruction of shareholder value is not something to applaud really, is it? But I'm sure you have a long list of examples to counteract that particular achievement of Greens.
You only see what you want to see then, I've said on many occasions Green is far from stupid just watch how he gets out of any share "lock in" arrangement (doctors line perhaps?), also said before he was clever by taking payment in shares thus paying only cgt at 28% rather than 45% + NICs.
He certainly wasn't stupid when he set up the deal to buy the club without him or his investors having to risk so much as a single penny.
Be interesting to see if all the investors are parting with actual cash or just swapping debt for equity.