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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. Sometimes a stiletto is more effective than a blunderbuss.
  2. McCoist played him at left back away to Motherwell against Chris Humphrey, he was horrendous however that says more about McCoist than it does Perry.
  3. Donald Muir's fingerprints are all over the crime scene.
  4. Traynors response:
  5. Few moonbeams and the odd outright lie in there, par for the course.
  6. Think he can play even earlier as a "trialist" failing that September 1st,
  7. I doubt Daly will reveal his source (if he even knows who it was) or do a second of jail time, my doubt however does not extend to whoever RTC is.
  8. There were also two delayed request trades from Thursday the 7th, one of 25.000 shares at 80p and a later trade of 23,000 at 77p.
  9. But interesting enough that you feel you have to comment on it. I doubt they sold at a loss but they did sell for 75p per share when the mid-market price was 82p per share.
  10. It means that someone dumped 100,000 shares at nearly 10% below market price and someone requested a delay in publication of the trade, there were two similar delayed publication trades the previous week.
  11. Seems there was a trade of 100,00 shares on Friday at below market price that only came to light today. Apologies for the formatting changed it but it seemed to reset itself. Recent Share Trades for Rangers Int (RFC) Date Time Trade Prc Volume Buy/Sell Bid Ask Value 8-Feb-13 15:30:20 75.00 100,000 Sell* 80.00 84.00 75.00k 12-Feb-1315:25:3281.00136Sell* 80.0084.00110.16O 12-Feb-1313:12:0481.001,851Sell* 80.0084.001,499O 12-Feb-1311:56:3081.001,000Sell* 80.0084.00810.00O 12-Feb-1311:27:5781.0012,265Sell* 80.0084.009,935O 12-Feb-1310:34:3581.00200Sell* 80.0084.00162.00O 12-Feb-1309:14:4881.5010Sell* 80.0084.008.15O 11-Feb-1314:12:0880.001,046Sell* 80.0084.00836.80O 11-Feb-1308:23:5081.6061Sell* 80.0084.0049.78O 8-Feb-1315:34:2083.001,000Buy* 80.0084.00830.00O 8-Feb-1314:21:2680.00200Sell* 80.0084.00160.00O 8-Feb-1313:52:1481.7018Sell* 80.0084.0014.71O 7-Feb-1316:24:3077.0023,000Sell* 80.0084.0017.71kO 7-Feb-1314:59:5481.75619Sell* 80.0084.00506.03O 7-Feb-1314:34:2480.00614Sell* 80.0084.00491.20O *Buys and Sells are calculated on the difference between the trade price and the current mid price. As such, they can occasionally be incorrect.
  12. http://sport.stv.tv/football/clubs/rangers/108697-john-fleck-points-finger-at-charles-green-after-rangers-exit/ http://sport.stv.tv/football/clubs/rangers/107715-lack-of-contact-from-charles-green-influenced-players-newco-rejection/
  13. They already had the security of big fat contracts had they so chosen they could have enforced them and been made "free agents".
  14. And there's no certainty they wouldn't is there? the administrators would have had no option but to release them from their contracts thus making them "free agents".
  15. They would have been free agents able to sign for anyone, had they left en masse FIFA would have acted with a lot more urgency that in the singular case of Wylde.
  16. Where was the money coming from to pay them? the administrators couldn't borrow to pay them and there wasn't sufficient funds to pay them what they were due under their contracts otherwise they would not have to have taken wage cuts.
  17. Had the players declined to take wage cuts then they would not have been paid under the terms of their contract.
  18. Wylde left before the terms of his contract had been breached.
  19. They would have been free agents and could have signed for anyone.
  20. They could have all walked away for free in February if greed was their God.
  21. The first three mentions of Green in this thread are all from you.
  22. And had to punt them out on loan as we couldn't afford their wages just imagine how desperate it would have been had everyone stayed and had to be paid.
  23. Who else was going to step in if the cash dried up?
  24. Slightly off topic but elfideldo do you know if the storm damage to the indoor pitch roof has been fixed yet or not?
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