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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. It's the reality of the situation.
  2. Green, Ahmad and Stockbridge are basically dead men walking as far as Rangers are concerned.
  3. Please avoid such stuff - Frankie
  4. Based on facts just the same way as I did with Whyte. Take a look at what you can find out about their business careers and make up your own mind that's what I did. His own lies are tripping him up. Tonights interview was a car crash.
  5. You do realise getting Whyte's shares for a CVA is another lie they simply didn't need them Whyte was Sevco 5088 we know this because both Green and Whyte have said so, they will simply acting as front men for Whyte. The CVA was in the form of a loan meaning twice in the space of a year Whyte would have bought us with our own money, Green, Ahmad and Stockbridge were his accomplices. When the CVA failed it became a case of when thieves fall out and that's what we're witnessing now. Dress it any way you like Duff & Phelps (previous heroes of yours) effectively entered into an exclusive and binding agreement to sell us to Craig Whyte.
  6. I think it's only on freeview, you could try the STV player.
  7. Well learn to read between the lines and learn to love Occam's razor.
  8. That's all well and good but it neatly sidesteps the fact that according to what both Craig Whyte and Charles Green have said Duff & Phelps effectively entered into an exclusive and binding agreement to sell Rangers to Craig Whyte not only that but the fact was the payment would have been in the form of a loan, so basically Craig Whyte was going to buy us twice in a year with the clubs own money and Charles Green, Imran Ahmad and Brian Stockbridge were content to make that happen.
  9. Yes, it's repeated on STV+1 for those who missed it.
  10. On the contrary I'm giving you leeway due to your youthful naivety.
  11. Bit of a car crash interview on Scotland Tonight.
  12. Heard his defence is basically an admission of financial assistance.
  13. But with all respect your still learning how the world works.
  14. Why would he take a wage cut in the last year of his contract?
  15. Was told on Sunday night by Green that the plans for this are in his office!
  16. Doesn't have horns and a tail anyway! I suppose he was decent enough yes.
  17. He's quite the showman I'll give him that!
  18. Nothing against Arif Naqvi but why does a CEO feel he needs to play hokey-cokey every so often with who the shareholders actually are?
  19. Last night Charles Green told me that Arif Naqvi was behind Blue Pitch Holdings. I'm having a wee bit of trouble reconciling what he told me with the following statement he made on the Rangers Official site on 20 October 2012.
  20. I'm sure it will be warmly welcomed by the lawyers of those who declined to TUPE over eh?
  21. I'd like to think his criticism of Malcolm Murray and the other non-executives is premature. After the UEFA Cup Final I had to exit through a door that was next to the press tent, Jackson was stood outside the door having a fag whilst the tears were running down his cheeks.
  22. He has/had a major interview scheduled today with STV to respond to the newspaper articles last week.
  23. For those attempting to rewrite history and claiming there was no attempt to collect monies without a legal mandate to do so. http://www.gersnetonline.co.uk/vb/archive/index.php/t-44390.html
  24. Perhaps not but lied? the chances of a self confessed liar willing to say anything to get what he wants, probably.
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