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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
  2. Hanlon's razor.
  3. I haven't a clue but it wouldn't be in the slightest bit surprising if there weren't various accounts across many if not all forums used by virtually all club's in fact it would probably be remiss of them if they didn't. Was there not a bit of a stooshie between a Liverpool employee involved in player recruitment and a fan a few years back?
  4. He may well be good at his job I've heard such reports too, but he was described to me last June as being "a bit of a cock".
  5. Apologies on re-reading my answer it may appear to be rather curt, that wasn't my intention. What I was meaning was that the clue is the linking of the account to his @rangers.co.uk address. I believe the account may well have been a pre existing one used by Rangers and taken over by Imran who probably reset the email preferences to his own address in order to be notified of any pm's to the account.
  6. Depends if those running the save Stockbridge and trash Malcolm Murray campaign prevail or not, they had a victory the other day getting Mather appointed to the board. I fear it's going to get very dirty and bitter before things settle down, still a few battles to be fought yet,
  7. Read my post again carefully.
  8. Surprised they took so long......
  9. My understanding and I don't expect it to be confirmed is that it was as simple as linking the account to his @rangers.co.uk address. It's always the little things that catch you out.
  10. Not for one second do I expect them to identify their source. I don't automatically disbelieve anything simply because I don't like the messenger. As hard as it may be for some to contemplate the fact is Jackson, Spiers et al all have their valid sources.
  11. I don't doubt the veracity of the Rangers Standard's information.
  12. More from the IamRangers account. http://i.imgur.com/sYQ796y.jpg http://i.imgur.com/tNF8YJg.jpg
  13. Here's a link to posts from the other In the Know account rumoured to be either Ahmad or Green himself. http://i.imgur.com/rIyiTn4.jpg http://i.imgur.com/WaQD6Ey.jpg http://i.imgur.com/PObMuij.jpg
  14. Mmmm ok I'll bite just what CEO you talking about?
  15. The bit in bold is hard to argue with, Imran is very much the organ grinder and not the monkey. Well known to have a short fuse and be easily riled as his response proves.
  16. He wants some filthy lucre it's that simple.
  17. Pointedly he's only a director of the private company and not the plc. It absolutely contravenes AIM rules and probably the law of the land too.
  18. If you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas. There's a subtle campaign been going on to put distance between Stockbridge and Green, not everyone will easily fall for it.
  19. But Charles is God is he not?.... Seriously it appears Green's tenure may prove to be even worse than Whyte's, I didn't think that was even possible.
  20. Hargreave Hale hold the shares on behalf of clients not themselves.
  21. Bit of both I think, looks like they've had a major refinancing going on for a few months. Their main holding company has a total of 15 active charges at the moment.
  22. We were woefully undercapitalised from the day Green & Co bought the assets it was more by good luck than good business practice that avoided going tits up almost immediately as demonstrated by the bizarre £50k 24 hour loan from Stockbridge. It will be interesting to see the total taken out of the club by Green, Ahmad and Stockbridge alone via the various different payments they've basically awarded themselves. Do not be surprised to see Green claim an outrageous sum for his loss of office even though he resigned of his own free will.
  23. Seems they've just bought some of the properties they mortgaged. Must be on a serious spending splurge http://www.greenocktelegraph.co.uk/news/greenock/articles/2013/01/18/443933-firm-buys-12m-office-blocks/
  24. Against assets of their holding company Arranglen Limited.
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