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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. And Green & Co produced so much they had to tap a £50k overnight loan.
  2. I'll have a quarter of whatever you're smoking as it's obviously good shit.
  3. But unlike the paragraphs above and below that doesn't relate specifically to the warrants does it?
  4. Try reading the f*&king prospectus. Cenkos have warrants entitling them to purchase 1% of RIFC at a strike price of the issue price + 10% i.e 77p. It doesn't take Einstein to fathom Cenkos are not going to pay a premium of 50% to purchase shares in RIFC.
  5. The warrants give them the right to purchase shares at a specific price at at a specific future date (a bit like share options).
  6. Yes another NOMAD has been lined up they're a necessary evil required by the AIM market. The NOMAD is supposed to police the company they sponsor which is as big a conflict of interest as could be imagined and one of the reasons US authorities take such a dim view of AIM. The NOMAD gets a nice annual retainer and other fees not the kind of thing they do lightly, the last company I'm aware of that got dumped by their NOMAD was non other than the Merchant House Group of Craig Whyte fame though they were thought to have secured the services of Allenby Capital of Imran Ahmad fame Merchant House Group were delisted before Allenby did any work on their behalf. AS far as I'm aware Allenby won't be the ones to replace Cenkos. It won't have any immediately noticeable effect for those who hold shares, Cenkos also held warrants in regards to RIFC shares one wonders if they have decided they hold no value. Don't be surprised if this isn't painted as RIFC replacing Cenkos.
  7. It was a matter of individual choice whether they invested in the IPO or not the prospectus was there for all to read then make their decision, personally I chose not to after having read the prospectus because in my own opinion it was grossly overvalued at 70p per share all the upside all the way back into the Champions League had been factored in the price. It was blatantly clear that a recapitalisation would be needed at the end of this coming season. The remuneration packages for the Boardroom was out of all perspective to the reality of where we are at. I did not and still do believe that the "Institutional investors" were investors in the true sense but merely vehicles being used to hide who the actual beneficial holders of the shares are. The fans managed to prevent Ahmad receiving a pay off running into the hundreds of thousands of pounds.
  8. The use of Google, Bing et al is not beyond the comprehension of the average bear. Irrespective of who was delivering the message it was ignored simply because people didn't want to hear it. To claim there was "NO WAY" anybody could know what he would is ignorant in the extreme, there was "NO WAY" it was going to end in anything other than liquidation the second Whyte got his hands on us his track record was there for anyone who could be bothered to look for it. Wait till BDO reports and we'll see just what was the difference in the two bids. We know for a fact that D&P accepted Green & Co's bid without a proof of funds, we know for a fact that Green & Co's bid included the prize money that was subsequently withheld or signed away if you prefer. We know that Green was nothing more than Whyte's front man, we still have to find out if Green was successful in shafting Whyte or has made an arse of it. Why do you keep assuming are to thick to do their own research all it takes is the will, the time and internet access. What documents turned out to be bollocks? Continually shooting the messenger because the message doesn't suit achieves what exactly? Keep shooting the messenger. The facts explain themselves, I'll put it as simply as I can, my information is that Cenkos are no longer willing to act as the NOMAD for RIFC the inclusion of Easdale on the board being the straw that broke the camels back. You can believe or not that is your right.
  9. A very brief video from just before ko yesterday. Was only meant to be a picture but I'm still waiting for my teenage niece to show me how to work my new phone.... View My Video
  10. You can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
  11. Do what I've always done and attend the meetings and ask the questions.
  12. Whilst Whyte may have managed to obscure some of his failures he couldn't manufacture any successes the complete lack of anything remotely constituting a track record of successfully running any business allied to his modus operandi of liquidating companies and stiffing the creditors should have been enough to anyone. In this day and age it's really not that hard to do your own research Each to their own but that doesn't mean those who do have an interest and understanding should just act like the three wise monkeys too does it.
  13. Simply because as Lincoln said," You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time". Why are you throwing "conspiracy" into the mix it's far,far simpler than that it's simply people looking after their own interests and putting them before the club it's that simple it's all about maximising their filthy lucre.
  14. The average punter has no interest till the shit hits the fan as Whyte and Green have so ably demonstrated. It was patently obvious that Whyte was a c*&t from the outset and plenty of evidence was put forward to prove that, if people want to play the three wise monkeys then that's up to them, same goes for Green where even a cursory glance of his record was enough to hoist the big red flags. But you assume that all that is done is anonymous posts on the internet, but that's simply not the case.
  15. Would depend on who actually reads the board no? I don't expect them to do anything, I'm not anybody's keeper I assume people are smart to enough to research something if they're interested enough. And the correct way is what exactly?
  16. Keep trolling away the law of averages dictate that something you post may actually be true one day though it may be a long wait for that day to come.
  17. You do know they're (or perhaps now were) sitting with a pile of warrants for RIFC shares and that for a company to list its' shares on AIM it must have a NOMAD or are simple things like facts beyond the scope of your comprehension?
  18. Nobody can stop anybody reaching a holding of 30% - 1 share, over that and a bid for the entire stock must be made unless a dispensation is granted.
  19. Only shareholdings over 3% are notifiable.
  20. I simply never reveal who tells me what. If the admin doubt its' accuracy then they will remove it, time will tell.
  21. You'll get more success trolling over on RM or even FF than you will here. Perhaps you can enlighten us all on here as to what exactly this "agenda" is?
  22. Looks like Cenkos are mightily pissed off with Green & co shoving Easdale on to the board.
  23. John Daly...
  24. Aye hopefully if the Ticket Office get their finger out!
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