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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. What part of it not being illegal is causing you much angst? D&P were perfectly entitled to include the prize money as part of the assets as hard as that is to swallow it's a fact nothing BDO or the Insolvency Service can do about it.
  2. It was certainly cheap in Green's case!
  3. BDO have looked into the matter and there is absolutely nothing they can do about it. Whilst it may well have been an immoral act it was not illegal, however hard that is to swallow.
  4. BDO have already reported on the matter, there is nothing they can do about it. Thing to remember is it was to form part of Green & Co's offer, effectively D&P, Green & Co tried to f*&k over the creditors and Green & Co got f*&ked over by the SPL/SFA.
  5. I imagine the board already hold the power to issue any unissued shares. It's a pretty standard item in most companies agendas at their AGM's both that an the authority to buy back a companies own shares.
  6. Oh I think the cumulative total of individual malfeasance/misfeasance will far exceed 34k worth of season ticket sales.
  7. McClelland is certainly not the doddery old fool he is often portrayed as. Though I do think he let us down big time in regards to Whyte as too did King.
  8. Heard anything re the "show home bird"?
  9. A quick glance round the boards should provide the answer to that. Especially where threads thanking Charles Green for raping us abound.
  10. I imagine he's already composed a Liam Brynesque missive.
  11. The one and the same! There are some seriously mentally disturbed people out there when you have a look around!
  12. Anybody who relies on this site alone wouldn't have seen it as the site was down at the time. It was a 23 page thread on RM, not many there would have missed it. http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=257051&st=0
  13. If it was fake it would have been denounced as so.
  14. Which would appear to confirm it's authenticity!
  15. SANDY EASDALE TAKES CONTROL OF GREEN SHAREHOLDING (Issued on behalf of Mr Sandy Easdale) Scottish businessman Sandy Easdale confirmed today that he concluded a binding agreement to buy former Rangers director Charles Green’s shareholding in May. Mr Easdale said: “There has been continued speculation and constant enquiries to buy this largest holding in Rangers but Mr Green gave me the first option which I exercised. Between my family holdings and through other supporting investors I now have the largest shareholding in Rangers Football Club.” In a statement from Mr Green, the former Rangers chief executive said: “Over the last few months numerous individuals and corporate bodies have expressed interest in obtaining my shares although much of this was to solicit press coverage and attract attention. Sandy said he would buy them and he has. I knew he would and he will do what's best for Rangers now he has a more substantial percentage.” Green added: “I want to make it clear that this means I will have no ongoing influence or financial interest at the club but I remain a fan and fervently hope that Rangers will soon be back at the top where they belong.”
  16. It'll be in the thread on RM. Definitely shite reporting, puff pieces set up by Media House invariably are.
  17. Oh I think you've seen it before.....
  18. Aye folk like Stockbridge in his Sun interview?
  19. Although he's Bomber's accountant he was very much one of Green's chief defenders when Bomber was in full "show us the deeds" mode.
  20. Which begs the question, who signed the previous requisition in the name of Blue Pitch Holdings?
  21. They're classic Socialists just look at the way they're redistributing the wealth !
  22. Not so sure, his penchant for spending other peoples money is a very Socialist trait!
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