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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. A missive for St Ironstone's Stevie McLean will probably have already been sent.
  2. Where has he been hiding these past 140 years?
  3. No, noticed that first time I saw the incident.
  4. As much as I like the design and I do, I can't help but think it's reminiscent of the current tie which frankly has been nothing but an utter hex.
  5. He certainly did nothing to stop Whyte doing so.
  6. No Olverman is on about the investigation by Pinsent Mason's and Deloitte's into Green's links to Whyte.
  7. Probably be removed soon.
  8. It would reveal who owned what, what they paid and the subsequent change in shareholdings and shareholders as new "investment" came in. A cynical mind might think somebody is trying to hide something.
  9. So they accepted an offer without even proof of funds?
  10. No it doesn't, all it means is that Easdale holds some proxies.
  11. Eh? The buyers perchance?
  12. I doubt if all the blame can be attached to D&P.
  13. Apart from the fact it had a sole and binding agreement to purchase the assets of RFC plc ?
  14. And he's still a director of Rangers Media Limited, Rangers Retail Limited and Garrion Security Services Limited.
  15. This was inevitable, can't really blame the BBC or the Tims this one lays firmly at the feet of the Company Secretary Brian Stockbridge for either his attempted deceit or sheer incompetence has handed our enemies a stick with which to beat us.
  16. I'm inclined to lean towards the latter.
  17. I think the fact that Black wasn't immediately shown the door is symptomatic of just how far removed we now are from the not too distant bygone days of yore. Whilst I'm certainly no puritan it's hard to get my head round an act of such great stupidity. I think he's treated both the club and the fans with sheer and utter contempt, what happens tonight if we're 1 nil down in the 89th minute and Black steps up to take a penalty and skys it, the first question everybody's going to ask themselves is did he have QOTS down for a win?
  18. Not sure if they're helpful but I can't see them being unhelpful either much in the same vein as the Charlotte Hunted stuff I suppose.
  19. On the subject of Toxic Jack came across these retweets on my timeline Meeja Hoose ‏@MeejaHoose 15 Sep @JackIrvine Did Mather's PA/Green's bird get sacked to cover the real source? #askToxicJack Details Meeja Hoose ‏@MeejaHoose 15 Sep @JackIrvine @CharlotteFakes Why did CF stop writing about you and start getting much more recent RFC content? #CharlotteFakes #askToxicJack Details
  20. We're incredibly weak at the moment both politically and in the area of leadership this won't change until we have a structure in place in which our executive put the interests of the club above those of themselves our enemies know this and will continue to exploit it at every opportunity. Spence said what he did to get a reaction of that there can be no doubt, I expect other members of the Rangers hating fraternity to continue doing so, they're still smarting from the BBC Trust rapping their knuckles and will stoop as low as they have to go in order to get the BBC Trust to issue findings that suits their agenda.
  21. Pretty sure they can be issued by the Directors, I expect there will be a resolution at the AGM that grants the Directors the authority to allot the unissued shares for cash, it's a pretty standard standard resolution as is the right for a company to buy its' own shares then cancel them. One to watch for however may an attempt to get authority to disallow pre-emption rights a useful tool to manipulate shareholdings to certain shareholders favour and the detriment of others i.e the little shareholders (fans) get screwed over, think this requires at least 75% of the votes to carry though.
  22. Can be done ! If I had the option I'd go match by match till they're all gone.
  23. Of all the stuff released to RTC and by Charlotte Fakes I've yet to see anything that causes the slightest bit of harm to Craig Whyte, I suspect there's a very good reason for that.
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