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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. Cheer yourself up by putting on some Leonard Cohen! The Philistines on our bus just don't appreciate his genius....
  2. As too would less lies from the club....
  3. I know, free info from an accountant! they usually charge an arm and a leg and occasionally a testicle or two too!
  4. Come on I had you down as way smarter than that.
  5. Don't they have to be in the country they play a minimum of 24 hours before k.o.?
  6. I'll take your word for it. Using your criteria neither has Dave King has he? You'll see it for yourself soon enough.
  7. Why favour one, neither invested in Rangers and King spunked eighty times what Murray did so is he not eighty times more culpable? I think they're smart enough on here to be aware King was pro Murrray long ago, can't say the same for everywhere else though!
  8. So we're to be disappointed in the impending arrival of Dave King to the board because he did not invest his £20m directly in Rangers and lost the f*&king lot?
  9. Armistice Day! Best wait till 12 to start then.
  10. Well when you find that quarter of a million invest it in Rangers then pop up your CV!
  11. The had the sole irrefutable right to purchase the assets, they could not have legally been sold to Sevco Scotland Ltd without the acquiescence of Sevco 5088 Ltd.
  12. The club could not be sold without the acquiescence of Sevco 5088 Ltd, the price of that acquiescence remains as yet unknown.
  13. He worked his ticket so he could fill his pockets with his ill gotten gains. That's what he does it's his modus operandi everywhere he goes.
  14. I'd be inclined to substitute Easdales for Rangers and I for T. Calling up Editors claiming that the AIM market would block the return of King smacks of desperation. Shockingly one of them had the wit to call AIM and ask only to be told it's not part of AIM's realm.
  15. Don't you realise that it's his own coffin that Mather's put the nail into along with that of Stockbridge and the Easdales?
  16. Why can't you just explain the reasons for your visceral hatred of Paul Murray?
  17. Mather and Stockbridge are toast and they know it.
  18. No but it surely helps. So just what is this visceral hatred based on then?
  19. It appears he's happy to let the shareholders decide just who is on the board unlike the present incumbents. So your visceral hatred of Paul Murray is based on what exactly apart from the desire to be seen running with the herd in another place?
  20. Try reading the statement. How many times have you met Paul Murray anyway?
  21. It'll be reaching the point where it's every man for themselves, Mather looks as if he's an impediment to the Easdales but they would do well to remember he who wields the knife seldom inherits the crown.
  22. I'm not convinced it's quite along those lines, perhaps Mather saw the Easdales knife hurtling towards his back and decided to reciprocate.
  23. It's a Trojan Horse. What does the provider of the facility get, 'A' shares , 'B' shares, "Relevant securities"? Worth reading the full text of Resolution 9 and bearing the facility in mind. Nothing to stop the provider of that facility receiving a security ranking above ordinary shares in fact you can take as certain. A point to remember is these are the people who deliberately drafted the prospectus in order to conceal their 100% bonuses for winning SFL3. Resolutions 9 and 10 are pure "Poison Pills" and the £2.5m facility should be likewise treated.
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