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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. Confirmation of his £300k payoff will be all over the papers shortly.
  2. But that pales into insignificance compared to your visceral hatred of Paul Murray et al eh? I agree it is indeed cringeworthy which rather proves my point. *waits for the inevitable spanking from whichever mod sees it first....*
  3. Nice to get the official RM line without having to go there. Bawsburst will be so busy spinning he'll be unable to write MCmurdo's blog for him.
  4. There's still a fair bit down the road to travel before we reach that particular place.
  5. LOL But did you go 4-4-2 or 4-5-1 ?
  6. On the contrary!.... http://www.gersnetonline.co.uk/vb/showthread.php?59489-The-return-of-Martin-Edward-Bain&p=444209&viewfull=1#post444209
  7. I'm sure our resident 'Spiv' will enlighten us!.....
  8. Aye that Stockdale is a bad man, a very bad man!.....
  9. And corporate governance (or the lack of it whatever your view) under MM is what to do with the recent round of resignations exactly?
  10. Sadly the insanity of this was pointed out at the time. From the prospectus: The 5% cut he claims is the reason why he was never a director of the plc, if he were then the information would be public.
  11. Ticketus withdrew from the Blue Knights 'consortium' on 27 April. Blue Knights withdrew their bid on 11 May. Bit disingenuous to claim BK's were still reliant on Ticketus after Ticketus withdrew is it not? Bill Ng, Bill Miller and BK's all pow wowed with Ticketus yet the one party that allegedly didn't collected the spoils, weird eh?
  12. True for he bowed to his master and said, "You are Sevco that's what we're saying".
  13. No it isn't, I'm referring to the signatories to the initial requisition the one signed by the various fund managers for the institutions.
  14. Cheer yourself up by putting on some Leonard Cohen! The Philistines on our bus just don't appreciate his genius....
  15. As too would less lies from the club....
  16. I know, free info from an accountant! they usually charge an arm and a leg and occasionally a testicle or two too!
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