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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. Looks to me like they're saying that they are utterly and completely out of their depth.
  2. http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11095/8982463/?
  3. Has been known to park his jeep in the disabled section of the Albion car park and run across the road......
  4. The one with the extremely dodgy looking barnet?
  5. The great survivor continues to survive! (he's head of Football Administration iirc). Anybody know who are in the row behind Cameron, Traynor and Dickson?
  6. Ah such modesty omitting to include some of your own musings in order to alter the context, I'm content to let people read it themselves from post #37 forward and let them draw their own conclusions. Though if you may indulge and point out where in this thread where I have as you state claimed Pinsent Mason's are 'spinning' or that they are anything but 'honest' ?
  7. Care to point out where I state Pinsent Mason's are spinning or where I cast aspersions on them being 'honest'?
  8. No I didn't claim Pinsent Masons were spinning at all and you know it, nice try though.
  9. Ignoring the message because you don't like the messenger is a policy that worksed oh so well in regards to Whyte eh? Nobody's doubting the honesty of Pinsent Masons, quite the reverse really.
  10. http://www.scotsman.com/news/scotland/top-stories/rangers-no-charges-sought-over-soldier-song-claim-1-3147165
  11. Perhaps it was but I'm not convinced so.
  12. My guess is Pinsent Masons.
  13. It'll take a lot more than Longmuir on his own. If he's merely being proposed as a fig leaf then what's the point?
  14. Told you before stepping away from the PC for a few minutes won't do you any harm.
  15. Labeling them scum because they hold a different opinion to your own is pretty sad.....
  16. Mather's contract, http://www.scribd.com/doc/176944416/CEO-Contract-V1
  17. No they really are that ugly!
  18. Who's actually doing the speculating though?
  19. All we know about Pinsent Masons report is what Irvine has spun to us not exactly an endorsement that much confidence can be placed in is it?
  20. Stockbridge's £50k overnight loan shows just how close they came to failing to pay the bills as they fell due then again perhaps it was only that weeks arrangement fee payment to Richard Hughes.
  21. Not a quite diamond but perhaps someone in trade so to speak.
  22. No it doesn't it indicates we're the victim of a bunch of transient financial rapists all wanting and getting their pockets full.
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