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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. How about this gem from the Easdale's cheerleader in chief and advertiser to McGill's busses. What does that say about BPH, MFHT, Greens and all the others who have proxied to Easdale?
  2. Bit of a shambles then really....
  3. Could online see if it works that way,
  4. Who's going to challenge them?
  5. Wonder who'll get the "refinancing the £2m screens" gig Close Leasing or DS Finance and Leasing ?
  6. If as much energy had been directed at the likes of Whyte and Green as there has been Bear on Bear then we'd probably never have gotten into this whole f*&king sorry mess!
  7. Not in the slightest it was an extremely executed statement, as the statement goes, "Be afraid, be very afraid".
  8. http://news.stv.tv/west-central/256741-easdale-wealthy-individuals-backing-investment-plan-for-rangers/ Peter Adam Smith on top of his brief again which is more than could be said for Easdale. Just hope his car doesn't spontaneously combust on his driveway overnight!
  9. This is from the prospectus; To be honest the loan looks as if it was for effect more than anything else. IIRC Green,Stockbridge et al initially claimed they weren't being paid but the prospectus revealed their pay was backdated to day one.
  10. Everything bad = someone else to blame! Everything good = Stockbridge did it!
  11. So you know nothing of the original requisition and the signatories to it?
  12. It was notable in Somers rant when denied knowing of or having met Green, Whyte et al he never denied previously knowing or meeting Stockbridge in fact he went out of his way to praise him.
  13. Will probably be announcing the sale of McGills and the purchase of Green's and other shareholdings. Expect claims of £80-£100m deal.
  14. The point was raised at the Hilton meeting. you know that as well as I do. I was just asking D'Artagnan if it was raised at the VB's meeting with Stockbridge, I assume that because the issue obviously is high on the VB's agenda that it indeed was.
  15. Understand perfectly what you're saying and they are sentiments that I wholeheartedly share. I think a genuine ongoing defence with conviction behind it can only be mounted from a solid foundation, alas I see no sign of that on the horizon.
  16. Yes I know that, but I fail to see the irony in pointing out that Whyte simply banning the BBC for his own selfish reasons (certainly not the clubs or the fans interests) made him a good guy in the eyes of so many despite everything else that was known about him at that particular point.
  17. Strange it only took 5 days to reveal the details of the meeting with Craig Whyte' date=' a cynic might think they won't be revealed till after the AGM. I doubt the certain PR guru would view it that way, whilst being paid by Rangers he's never actually really worked on behalf of Rangers or the fans just a few individuals and those individuals seem to have gotten what they wanted out of.
  18. Undoubtedly, but in fairness to both sides there are more pressing matters at this instant, also the fact that Whyte told the BBC to f*&k off just diverted attention from himself too many were taken in by his self serving bannings. Did the VB's raise that issue with Stockbridge?
  19. Their jurisdiction does cover the location of the Rangers bank account which is where any alleged illegal repayment of capital would have taken place.
  20. at the risk of repeating myself,,,, Have you written to the SFO yet and pointed out their apparent error on their website?
  21. Perhaps he will or maybe he'll just make up a lie along the lines of the SFO don't talk to individuals eh?
  22. Much ado about nothing in there.
  23. Is he claiming any alleged criminality took place in Scotland?
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