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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. While Ibrox is overrun with consultants brought in by Wallace trying to undo the giant clustrf*&k caused by the "consultants" brought in by Brian Stockbridge.
  2. Wonder if Graham will treat me to a Bradie and a Bovril tomorrow?........
  3. We were all led to believe the Easdales weren't receiving any remuneration but it appears when he sat in front of everyone at the top table at the AGM James Easdale had in fact been receiving remuneration from Rangers all along but it appears he took cold feet and returned the monies after the turn of the year.
  4. So you'll be content if it lays purely in the gift of the Chairman and the Remuneration Committee?
  5. Toxic still using him to run spoilers then.
  6. Try looking in the 50 odd % that's not listed. It's from the Financial Times and it relates only to UK institutions only not those in the Cayman and Turks and Caicos Islands and elsewhere. Ashley's investment is in a private capacity, RST in not a financial institution that would match the FT's criteria. http://markets.ft.com/research/Markets/Tearsheets/Business-profile?s=RFC:LSE The parts saying "Institutional Investors" and "Institutional Shareholders" should give a wee clue.
  7. Think It does but my copy isn't of sufficient quality to upload.
  8. I'd have no major problem with that in theory anyway.
  9. He knows there's virtually bugger all left in the bank, it's a £10k punt to freeze any money.
  10. Any "rebate" would have been an illegal return of capital. All @ 1p per share Charles Green 5,000,000 Richard Hughes `2,200,000 Imran Ahmad 2,200,000 Margarita Funds Holding Trust 1,300,000 Norne Anstalt 600,000 Putney Holdings 350,000 Elias Kaisar (sp?) 50,000 Jean T Haddad 125,000 Asia Credit Corporation 200,000 Blue Pitch Holdings 2,000,000 Glenmuir Limited 500,000 Craig Mather 500,000 Andy Hosie 450,000 Angus Kinnear 50,000 Patrick Oddie 100,000 Malcolm Murrray 100,000 Ally McCoist 1,000,000 Mike Ashley 1,500,000 Stephen Adams 25,000 Ian Cormack 12,500 John Graham 12,500 John McClure 100,000 John Goold (sp?) 50,000 Colin Howell 100,000 Graham Herring 200,000 David Gourman (sp?) 100,000 That's 18,825,000* all subscribed for at £0.01 per share, real actual price penny shares as opposed to the nominal value that appears to confuse some. The above information should have been included in the Annual Return for TRFCL. (* I hope!)
  11. Would depend on the size of the issue and the take up, a 2 for 1 offering at 20p would raise roughly £26.5m. I doubt Penny Share holders will be falling over themselves to part with circa 20 times their original investment just to maintain their holdings, just as likely if not more that they may take the opportunity to exit the stage.
  12. I sincerely doubt he's irreplaceable this is after all the debut on his CV in regards to being CEO of a plc. He really should have been a good appointment but it's patently clear that whilst he holds office he holds no actual power.
  13. You really think the holders of circa 20m penny shares are going to take part in a fundraising exercise at twenty times the price they paid for their shares?
  14. The Board to decide to look after the interests of all shareholders instead of just a select few and opt for a recapitalisation via rights issue underwritten pro bono by King. Would benefit all parties but most of all the club.
  15. Amongst the cries for King to "Buy,buy,buy!" why none for those who got the circa 20m penny shares that were dished out to "Sell,sell,sell!" is a profit in excess of 2000% not enough?
  16. I recall an anti Murray protest at shock, horror an away ground of all things!
  17. You really should get a life. I've never claimed anybody's opinion is any less valid than the one I hold. If STB has a problem with what I wrote then he knows full well where he'll find me from circa 14.45 tomorrow
  18. Don't know but heard the amount of rollies he can make from a 1/2 oz of snout is a sight to behold.
  19. Frankly you stating you trust Wallace is like giving him the black spot. Three cheers for STB.....
  20. I've seen what passed as a review but a business plan alas na. Wallace is very good at saying "Trust me, trust me." without giving a scintilla of evidence as to why anybody actually should.
  21. Ah well two hands two cards I suppose.
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