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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. Alas it seems that's the club's modus operandi nowadays but hey at least we got a new PR guy!.....
  2. Will soon revert to humping it over the heads of the midfield to a solitary striker for him to run onto his own knock downs. Not going to the Hibs game?
  3. RST statement on said programme. http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1s2eq1l
  4. Let's not forget that the anchor Sarah Smith was the longtime erstwhile colleague of both Alex Thomson and Stuart Cosgrove. The not in this building claim was ludicrous, where else was this written? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-17628749
  5. Doubt that even makes the top 100!
  6. Been years since I watched Hogan's Heroes but I don't remember Sergeant Schultz being a Nazi, like millions of others he was merely a German soldier. In fact John Banner the actor actor who portrayed him was an Austrian born Jew and was held for some time in a concentration camp.
  7. I imagine that statement gives cause for complaints to be made to various bodies about the conduct of the former Financial Director and Company Secretary.
  8. Interesting, wonder who insisted on that announcement being made? Oh for a board that realise corporate governance is not an optional extra.
  9. Andrew Dickson ‏@rfc_dickson Could someone at @TheEveningTimes explain why they copied and pasted my match report from today's game on to their website please?
  10. http://www.scribd.com/doc/164681674/Ibrox-Stadium My understanding is it's a pretty accurate description of how things panned out.
  11. We all knew it was going to happen just not when but as you correctly state that was no reason for the on field capitulation that ensued the bright league start.
  12. 1. It was certainly the most generous for the money the board could achieve and more generous than the original version that Crighton extracted from his masters Laxey. 2. If it wasn't "emergency cash" then the board have surely failed in their fiduciary duty by running up unnecessary expense. 3. Is simply a matter of indisputable fact. To claim no one outside the board is privy to the reason the loan was secured is frankly bizarre as every man and his dog knows it was procured in the first place is because the infamous £2.5m credit facility that was stated in the accounts to ensure going concern status simply vanished when the push came to shove. Equally if in fact not more so applicable to the board, especially after recent events.
  13. LOL...like you in any thread about wealthy Rangers fans or the RST etc.etc.?
  14. Played every day of the week last season, probably will this one too....
  15. Doesn't take much activity to move it in either direction.
  16. I hear he's already fixed up the music for the journey..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4umXobG3EeY
  17. Yet he came on in Youth Cup Final and effectively changed the game against what will effectively be Hearts first team this coming season.
  18. IIRC the one I saw back in May the part just below the collar was white not blue and it definitely had the Red 32 logo on it. Second strip is white.
  19. It was common knowledge his knee(s) was shot before we signed him. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/22590038 http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/jon-daly-back-in-contention-for-dundee-1081985 http://www.thecourier.co.uk/sport/football/dundee-united/fleetwood-town-target-dundee-united-captain-jon-daly-1.63626 http://www.heraldscotland.com/sport/spl/dundee-united/daily-diet-has-daly-ready-for-next-week-1.929316 http://www.express.co.uk/sport/football/93813/Jinxed-Daly-facing-year-of-injury-hell etc,etc
  20. The explanation will be Stockbridge isn't from the "club" he was from the "company".
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