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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. Murray made his bed he'll have to lay in it. To me the choice between Murray and Greenco is akin to deciding who you want to behead you, Al Qaeda or ISIS.
  2. The support have no say in the matter they just have to like it or lump it. I'm sure the white charger is being groomed again in the stable.
  3. We're years away from break even point and will need subsidised for years yet, Ashley's already recovered his investment many times over and is himself as responsible as anyone else for our current plight, We have £2.7m cash sitting in the Rangers Retail Ltd bank account that cannot be accessed without Ashley's consent.
  4. Of course we need "a big investment", we're not 2 months into the season and need £4m just to keep the lights on, we'll probably need £10m just to see the season out.
  5. You do do a great impression of one though.
  6. Aye right and they spent quarter of a million quid in legal fees trying to extradite themselves from the contract. Open yer eyes Rab furfuxsake.
  7. Begs the questions why have the club not reported Green to the appropriate authorities or undertaken legal action against him for what appears as blatant a breach of fiduciary duty as you're likely to see?
  8. It appears so.
  9. The 29% Easdale controls is part of a larger block, they claim just under the 30% to avoid being labelled a concert party.
  10. Who knows but they sure don't want us to find out.
  11. Wallace can't accept anything he's merely his masters servant and that's where the power actually lays.
  12. Aye but try it when there's a blocking stake of 51% in place with no intention of selling or releasing control.
  13. It's fairly easy to get a dispensation from that rule especially where the limit would be breached by an injection of capital into the company.
  14. It doesn't need to be listed, it's as simple as just selling it to whoever as it's merely a subsidiary.
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