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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. Much ado about nothing Half inched from FF
  2. Not that I'm aware of, However the quote you're requesting the provenance of does name me does it not? The whole "while it wasn't the VB's who posted that but an individual who just purely coincidentally happens to be a VB but was acting in a personal capacity........." excuse fools no one. The VB's like every other organisation on the planet contains it's quota of arseholes.
  3. I find it bizarre that there isn't an RSC category considering how fundamental they are to Rangers.
  4. First off thanks to all for the messages of support and to all those who voted on my behalf. Most of you will only know me from pixels on a screen but quite a few especially those who have met me will understand the real reason why I put my name forward for this particular enterprise even though like many of you I am sceptical . However nothing ventured nothing gained, I have been battling for years behind the scenes to try and improve the lot of myself and the constituents I'm primarily elected to serve some of whom make unbelievable efforts just to follow follow Rangers, some literally have no voice but that does not mean they should not be heard, I intend to ensure they are heard loud and clear. I'm also aware as has been noted in the post above of the responsibilities towards the wider fan base in general and I intend to be diligent in that area too. I go into this with eyes and mind wide open, I hope this succeeds and can be built upon but in the end that's up to the Club itself, if all they want is a fig leaf then alas it will be doomed to failure to the detriment of both the Club and the wider fan base in general. Once again thanks to all even to those in another place who provide me with an endless source of laughter!
  5. The sovereign will (as Salmond was want to say) of the Scottish people is that they want to remain part of the United Kingdom, get over it.
  6. Yes They've just considerably increased their chances of being able to exit and wash their face perhaps even exit at a profit, it shouldn't be a surprise if they repeat the exercise in the inevitable rights issue.
  7. Whoever reaches what they consider a satisfactory agreement with them.
  8. They've just drastically lowered their average price per share probably making it easier for them to be shifted in the medium term.
  9. This is a rather pointless story he isn't getting extradited from the UK to Indonesia period.
  10. Sadly that's not a new phenomenon they did the same with Daly. It appears to be penny wise pound foolish.
  11. I have absolutely no problem with that. The world would be a very boring place if we were all of the same opinion all the time.
  12. You're reading into that something that's not there, you had the misfortune to be the author of the quote I replied to that's as far as it goes, I really don't think anyone neutral observer or not would think for a second I was pointing a finger at you. Perhaps a better turn of phrase would have been "Are you suggesting my actions were somehow responsible for BH receiving those threats?" If my original response came across as if I were accusing you of accusing me of personally making those threats then I apologise for any confusion.
  13. Why on Earth would I? Perhaps you'd be better aiming your barbs at whoever took the screenshot and sent in to Rangers to complain, for it says a lot more about the content of their character than mine. I'm well aware of my own faults and foibles but I'm also fully aware I'm responsible for own actions not anyone else. You suggesting I was responsible for those threats?
  14. It appears the following post has been the cause for a complaint to be made to Rangers regarding it and me. Wonder who could have possibly complained?
  15. Andy Smillie resigned fairly early on.
  16. It was indeed a contrast with McCoist refusing to tell us to buy season tickets and McCormick bigging up Green big time the attempt to get the guy with a property background to legitimise Green & Co on the basis of a receipt for a payment of Stamp Duty Land Tax was bizarre. Have to agree it was neither his or Monty's finest hour.
  17. McCoists. At a fans meeting in the Ibrox Suite he was closer to Charles Green's arse than Green's drawers.
  18. I find a certain irony in McCormick mentioning onerous contracts.
  19. IIRC they can call an EGM/GM as often as they want till a court declares them vexatious.
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