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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. What makes you think Ashley wants Rangers as a football club for its own benefit as opposed to what he's doing at Newcastle which is run for Sports Direct's benefit?
  2. Of course they can and of course they do. They were relegated in their second season under Ashley is that the kind of success we should be looking for under Ashley?
  3. It can be dangerous to assume. As I said far,far more pressing concerns than moving to another league that's a matter to be addressed after things like accounts, financial strategy etc...etc.
  4. Can't speak for Alan but that's a big yeas in my case!.... With all due respect surely we have far more pressing concerns at present than any of that, like can we get to an AGM without a cash injection? Nobody is limited to the remit of their category alone. So don't think I cannot assist anyone unless it's regarding disabled matters alone, anyone can raise anything with any member.
  5. I suspect you may well be correct but we won't know for certain till we try.
  6. The first meeting was almost all to do with procedural matters and the such like. However I can assure it is a matter which will undoubtedly be raised.
  7. It was only ever intended as a stop gap measure until the AGM where matters could be further addressed.
  8. Especially when it was an open offer as opposed to a pure rights issue.
  9. Bottom right quarter of the table with the grey hair is moi, the baldy guy 1 up is BH.
  10. Company A needs to buy some shiny new equipment which is sold in the UK by Company B. Does Company A buy that equipment from Company B as per the norm? Oh f*&k no, nothing is that simple. Company C domiciled outside the UK obtains the equipment from Company B at the market rate. Company C then sells the equipment to Company A at twice the market rate. Company C makes lots of cash at the expense of Company A. Simples.
  11. I understand that the minutes of the first meeting will be made public shortly (can't be definitive time wise though). No office bearers have been appointed as yet.
  12. Apparently the categories were the result of the surveys and focus groups. I too am puzzled that there is no category in regards to RSC's, though at least 3 members (perhaps more) do travel to the games with RSC's myself included. Oh and there is of course a former RST Secretary on the board!.......
  13. Not necessarily so, it's quite normal to ask for and be granted a dispensation from that rule.
  14. It's ok though I'm conditioned to first round ko's, I just want a break and a piss up or two..........
  15. Be as well doing Daniel Stewart and Somers too!
  16. As shite as the football was and it was real horrendous shite a return to European football simply cannot come quick enough.....
  17. How could we be self sustaining when the Commercial Department would simply be a department of Sports Direct? Ashley's "interest free" loan costs Newcastle United circa £30m in lost commercial revenue. Dennis Wise or Joe Kinnear to head up a "decent scouting system"?
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