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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. He gets fed the same shit as 3 names then they put their own spin on it.
  2. Just goes to show the desperation to keep control of the blazers and onerous contracts!
  3. It appears the mantra has shifted from, " they pyoor hiv ta buy shares man" to "they've pyoor bought the wrang shares man".
  4. forlanssister


    A Happy New Year to all. Let's hope this time next year we're talking about football and not the stock market!
  5. Rule 9 is a bit of a red herring. I expect they'll try and keep just below 30% then go over it via the rights issue in the knowledge they'll get a dispensation.
  6. Ssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhuuussh !
  7. Pfffft an email from Professor Watson? Been there, had that!
  8. They shutting the creche too ?
  9. If they were serious about the offer they'd be talking right now rather than trying to beg a loan from absolutely anyone apart from Letham, Park and Taylor. Toxic Jack seems desperate to buy his clients time in the hope they can save their blazers!
  10. It's not money they're after it's respectability though that plan contains a fatal flaw.
  11. Nah, it's Green/Ahmad/Stockbridge/Rizvi/Easdales/Ashley's money surely. Aren't we fortunate to have such people looking after our interests? f*&k knows where we'd be without them!
  12. Here's a story of a company being deliberately mismanaged doesn't take Einstein to work out who benefited the greatest from said mismanagement, in fact there's a wee clue in the story itself.
  13. Enough is enough was the mantra departing Easter Road at the third goal.
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