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Everything posted by forlanssister

  1. You seriously think they would trust a word that comes out of any of the Easdales mouths?
  2. Why would the 3B's support this Board?
  3. Well I suppose you can argue the pleas for transparency have been answered as you can see right through today's f*&king statements!
  4. But only one of them's done porridge iirc (well so far anyway!).
  5. The Shadow Director?
  6. This is where a half decent NOMAD would come into play unfortunately we don't have one of those we have Paul Shackleton.
  7. Not sure if it actually needs 75% if there is no dis-application of preemption rights involved.
  8. Posted this earlier in the wrong thread! http://au.eurosport.com/football/thr...26/story.shtml
  9. http://au.eurosport.com/football/three-bears-keen-to-protect-ibrox_sto4548226/story.shtml
  10. No it doesn't. It means there's a protocol in place so that the 12 RFB members don't issue 12 different statements.
  11. You know full well there's a protocol to follow.
  12. I concur. Could this thread be split from the top of the page, so it can be discussed on it's own merits pertinent to the proposed security/loan?
  13. As I said don't shoot the messenger. As soon as I'm aware of more information I'll post it.
  14. Worthington Group are who effectively "own" Craig Whyte and Aidan Earley's claim on the RIFC assets. Also of note is the fact that the Liquidator appointed to Whyte's BVI based Liberty Capital sold Liberty Capitals holding in Worthington Group at 58p in a delayed notification trade one day before the shares were suspended. Wonder who the Liquidator is actually working on behalf of? http://ftalphaville.ft.com/2015/01/13/2085432/a-worthington-tale/?
  15. Stock Exchange announcement:
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