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forlanssister last won the day on April 4 2023

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    Next door to the Griffin's!


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  1. The word austerity gets thrown around a lot these days, better get used to it on steriods down Ibrox way.
  2. Rumours of an issue regarding the steel have been doing the rounds for weeks. Today I took part in a meeting at Ibrox via Teams and was told that "everything was on schedule", the meeting ended at 1pm, 2pm statement released confirming delay. We are an omnishambles.
  3. It appears Lovelace may not be out of contract this summer (hopefully!).
  4. Very Eric Idle, though I do tend to agree in the main. However I can't for the life of me see where our "footballing structure" is superior to theirs as ours is basically rip it up and start again, rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat.... At one stage Beale was drifting into Mike Bassett territory. Indeed they have had it easy but mainly because we've alowed it to be so.
  5. Just demonstrates how politically weak we actually are. "No one likes us, we don't care", but we should we really should.
  6. You'd make a lovely couple...
  7. I expect it to be one of the best in Europe in regards to disabled facilities.
  8. Was in the main hall in Edmiston House the other day thought it smaller than I expected it , think it may struggle to accommodate all those who attend AGM's.
  9. I'm confident both the Copland and Broomloan will be done and that will lead to an overall capacity increase. The sceptic in me struggles to see them subsequently reducing capacity again to complete the Govan as a solo project. I don’t think (but I'm open to correction) that the amendments to the original proposals can be replicated in the Govan due to the overhang from Bar 72 being at a greater angle than the proposed cantilevers behind the goals. My fear is the Govan platform will become tied to some other capacity extention proposal which may or may not materialise. FWIW I was always aware that the initial renderings would not be what we ended up with and there would be slippage in regards to timescales as that's what happens in practically every project. It may well be the case that my scepticism is misplaced and everything will proceed in a timely manner. Two of the planned accessible toilets have already been installed in the Copland and all things considered are pretty decent, also the refurbished 'normal' toilets are quite smart and don’t reek of stale strang (yet anyway!)
  10. It now appears like only one end will get done initially (no decision has been made but my guess is Copland). A reconfiguration from original plans will mean the wheelchair spaces will be further back and slightly reduced in number. I imagine this will negate the potential seat loss slightly and can see both positive and negative aspects to this amendment from the wheelchair users perspective. I believe the opposite end will be done the following season, though personally I'm becoming more sceptical when it comes to the proposed Govan Stand platform (that's a personal opinion not a statement of fact).
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