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Little General

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Everything posted by Little General

  1. Looking forward to getting back to Ibrox. Hoping for a good win and 3 points.
  2. Do you think that just by standing the atmosphere will improve? I don't.
  3. Yes, he was walking around the trackside from Argylle suite to the tunnel at main stand, He posed for a few photographs also.
  4. I'm still trying to calm down after that farce from Beaton. Had a few Guiness and now on the Vino:drink:
  5. Beaton was a disgrace today and shat it big style. Stokes and McGeough should have been off today.
  6. Due to being away in North Berwick today, I missed the game tonight and typical they are scoring and playing well:facepalm:
  7. can anyone name the players? pic 1 Ally Scott, John Greig, Martin Henderson,Derek Parlane, DJ, Colin Jackson.
  8. a few pics.
  9. why is it dated 20th August 2017?
  10. if I am going i will also bring my son (25 years old).
  11. I might go to this, depending on how i feel after nightshift. I went for Dundee game but not bothered what game it is.
  12. I'll be there.
  13. Don't think it is the old Edmiston club, is it not the offices in the Copland stand that's getting turned into a bar/music venue?
  14. you can see them now foaming at the mouth:champs:
  15. The reception for Michael Mols was fantastic at half time. Pity he never had his boots with him.
  16. Waghorn looks as if he has put on a stone,
  17. He should stick to stealing Lucozade.
  18. Lee Griffiths is a despicable racist bastard.
  19. Were fans not invited last year to suggest a new name for Auchenhowie? I seem to remember voting on the website.
  20. Scotland's O J Simpson verdict. Has the PF office or Police Scotland commented after the verdict or are they too embarrassed?
  21. Elfideldo will have to get his passport up to date.
  22. http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/arlene-foster-all-smiles-at-ibrox-but-celtic-crush-rangers-35668329.html
  23. Outstanding work Moonlighter. well done to all involved.
  24. I was in the Copland front right at the 6 yard line and it was well inside. Beaton couldn't see it nor the linesman so I presume the 4th official made the decision.Beerman was very rash... Brown is a protected species. He can do kick, punch and dive and get away with it. It seems intimidation of referees works. Beaton was a disgrace, the tackle on Miller that put him in the air he never even gave a free kick for never mind carding the player.
  25. Rangers fans celebrate 300 years of Union. February 2007. Saltires and Union Flags:uk:
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