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Little General

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Everything posted by Little General

  1. After the Dundee game an old boy in the pub suggested it was Martinez and announced prior to World Cup starting. Don't you love pub talk
  2. I'm no way in the know or know anything that's going on but he really is done now at the club. Under 20's not getting a game will tear him apart in the dressing room after his stint as manager. There is no respect now for him. It's a vicious world.
  3. How can he go back to the youth system now, having lost the dressing room? Youngters nowadays will give him pelters and if he cannot install any discipline, he's surely done at being with Rangers.
  4. Where you hearing this SBS?
  5. They didn't have to break a sweat today and if they had it could have been a lot worse. We gifted them the goals today especially the second goal just before half time. I'm away for a chinese and to drown my sorrows with a few haufs.
  6. Holt seems to be way out of the picture right now. Halliday done his chances no harm last week as I thought he was great when he came on.
  7. Good Luck to him. personally I was never convinced by him. Physically he can compete well however,he's awkward and not comfortable with the ball at his feet.
  8. This is what I was thinking as well
  9. We finished the game v Dundee with 5 in midfield, so I think this is how we will start. Foderingham Tav Alves Martin John McCrorie Candeias Docherty/Halliday Dorrians Murphy Morelos.
  10. Govan Front 7 - £467
  11. what about getting @The Moonlighter & the Gallant pioneers on to talk about the founders tour and the restoration of Rangers graves project?
  12. We actually got a train back from Motherwell to central high Level. 1 evefy hour.
  13. Saw you advice too late. We foolishly got on the Lanark bus which went all over before Motherwell.
  14. Martin & Alves are a bomb scare. Windass is a waste a jersey First half muscled out of it again Murty out of his depth. Oh and the bus from central to motherwell took a fucking eternity. Got inside a 2-0 down within 15 mins. All in all a real shite day out. On a positive note beer & wine in boxing booked and KFC ordered ?
  15. There is enginering works, It looks like buses are laid on from central to Motherwell.
  16. https://media.rangers.co.uk/uploads/2018/03/RIFC-Mandatory-Offer-Announcement.pdf
  17. with the trains not running from Central to Motherwell, whats the best way to get to the game from city centre? Tried supporters bus but it is full.
  18. We should at least be putting pressure on them. Lets see how they react to it.
  19. He wasn't being jeered from where I was standing, just heavily critisiced for his constant mis-control and continually giving the ball away, The trouble with Josh is he thinks he is a better player than he actually is.
  20. New contract yes he's earned one. As for starting, I'd have Cardoso playing ahead of him.
  21. Great result and well deserved. Well balanced and hard working performance.Madden and stand linesman were a disgrace.
  22. will the John Greig statue be moved to the memorial or will it stay where it is?
  23. It was on at 2pm. I used it from Partick
  24. anyway i'm drunk pissed off and I am way to listen to some music. Starting with Stone the crows with Maggie Bell singing.
  25. What we've got without Krankcjar is embarrissing. I could do better.
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