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Little General

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Everything posted by Little General

  1. had a reply back from Rangers First: Remind me what was Save Rangers again? don't know if I was on this database. all very confusing:confused:
  2. I emailed them and have had no reply. I did have a share in the old company through RST. Could someone have taken RST list with them?
  3. Exactly Zappa, I'm still awaiting a response from Rangers First, I have my on theory on it,
  4. I received an email from them yesterday, I am not a current shareholder, so I am wondering where they got my details from?
  5. The fact they have supposedly contacted King suggests we are up shit street. No one wants to invest.
  6. so is this share issue jut the wigs strengthening their grip until the AGM, where they can pass resolutions 10-14 which were voted against last AGM?
  7. You'll be pleased to hear DB, 14-0 at half time:rfc:
  8. They put forward an application they find suitable only for the club to veto it.How would the committee feel about that? What's the point of the committee?
  9. anyone know why he wasn't on the pitch with the Barca Bears today? oops, can admin change spelling of surname please:redface:
  10. sadly, there will be some who will fall for it hook line and sinker.
  11. Aye, probably the same reason Jerry Jone's Dallas Cowboy wanted to tie in with us:whistling:
  12. does anyone actually believe this guff? Why would an American billionaire want a controlling stake in Rangers?
  13. Uefa have a history of making it up as they go along. whoever had the most political clout was always going to win the day. This ruling would never have happened with English,Spanish,German or Italian teams.
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